(with patch)
mf-RDP opened this issue · 1 comments
attached a patch for a little issue in AssemblyMetadata.cs ("HACK: [vermorel] 2019-07-25.").
It will attach a ref to "netstandard" and make sure the ref to the assemblyname "system.private.corelib" is as per loaded in application current domain.
I noticed problems when AOTing with Mono (system.private.corelib not found) and ILSpy couldn't resolve these references either. With this patch, problems are gone.
I cannot say 100% sure if it will work for all NET versions, tested with netcore31, net50, mono. All ok-
Best regards,
Thanks for the patch. It's preferable to use the pull requests, it's easier to edit, and it's also easier to assign proper attribution.