- 1
AssemblyGenerator fails when generating bytes for 'System.Private.CoreLib' in .NET 8.0
#178 opened by Heptagram64 - 10
Add equivalent of AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint
#171 opened by johndaintree - 8
Exported Net core lib is referencing System.Private.CorLib instead of System.Runtime
#139 opened by Karolis2011 - 0
- 5
- 2
Classes that implement interfaces with defaulted methods crash the dll generator.
#172 opened by Freekjan - 2
Support to save dynamic methods
#130 opened by AArnott - 0
Partially defined generic methods are not working
#169 opened by OlegRa - 8
DeclareInterfacesAndCreateInterfaceMap conundrum
#164 opened by dmiller - 3
- 0
- 5
- 6
Strong name library so it can be used on .NET Framework from strong named assemblies
#116 opened by AArnott - 6
- 3
Support writing version information
#122 opened by osen1 - 4
Fail to export referenced types in `System.Private.CoreLib` due to `DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler`
#152 opened by Algoryx-NilsHjelte - 2
Type names containing special characters
#154 opened by osen1 - 13
Type dependency resolution needed
#87 opened by osman-turan - 3
- 9
Metadata ordering issues
#107 opened by toptensoftware - 1
Fail to deserialize: volatile field reference
#119 opened by dmiller - 4
System.IndexOutOfRangeException at Save
#109 opened by jvbsl - 1
Migration to .NET 6.0 causes test suite to hang
#158 opened by vermorel - 0
- 2
Property attributes are not serialized
#114 opened by sam80180 - 2
- 0
- 2
Saved Dynamic Assembly Not showing in VS intellisense but ILSpy and VS Object Explorer Look correct
#147 opened by mvbordogna - 0
Lokad.ILPack does not have a strong name
#146 opened by catdavni - 1
- 0
some proposal for perfomance opt (small patch)
#140 opened by mf-RDP - 1
(with proposed patch), null dereference in TryGetRawMetadata after removed null check
#138 opened by mf-RDP - 3
(with patch) Functions with 'void*' in params list
#137 opened by mf-RDP - 2
Generated assembly from a .NET 5 executable is ".NETFramework" instead of ".NETCore"
#136 opened by frabert - 1
(with patch)
#132 opened by mf-RDP - 2
- 3
Fail to serialize: Type cannot be found: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute
#117 opened by AArnott - 2
EmitCalli - aware of any problems?
#126 opened by mf-RDP - 0
Fail to deserialize: nested class reference
#120 opened by dmiller - 8
- 1
Would be great to have up-to-date NuGet package
#113 opened by TalAloni - 0
- 1
Non-public properties causing failure
#108 opened by Qwrk13 - 5
Missing method override
#85 opened by vermorel - 1
Pull Request Process
#80 opened by toptensoftware - 1
Incorrect method parameter numbering
#84 opened by Twinside - 2
Support generic method parameters
#67 opened by vermorel - 3
Any method with a local variable crashes
#47 opened by toptensoftware - 3
Fix user string handling
#30 opened by osman-turan - 7
Unable to generate method body?
#33 opened by nickbclifford