Wiper Contol System

Wiper is an essential component that used to wipe the raindrops or any water from the windscreen. Wipers are designed and made to clear the water from a windscreen. Most of cars have two wipers on the windscreen, one on the rear window and the other on each headlight.

In this proect we will build manually controlled wiper control system. We built a wiper control system using STM32F4 Discovery board. Here we use builtin button and LEDs to operate or visualize the project.We will control onboard four LEDs of STM32F4 discovery board with a push button.

block diaram

The working of motor is visualised via LEDs in STM32F4 - Discovery board

Folder Structure

Folder Discription
0_Absract Brief info aout project
1_Requirements Documents detailing requirements and research
2_Design Documents specifying design details
3_Implementation All code, neccesary files and documentation
4_TestPlanAndOutput All the test files and
6_ImagesAndvedios Contains output and media files

In Action


Working Scenario

Key Press - 1 (Wiper power Lvl-1) Key Press - 2 (Wiper power Lvl-2) Key Press - 3 (Wiper power Lvl-3)
press1 press2 press3
Key Press and Hold - ON/OFF Key Press - 4 (Wiper off) Key Press - 5(repeat from Wiper power level-1)
press hold press4 press 5

CI and Code Quality

Complile Cppcheck Codacy Build CI Git_Inspector
Compile-Linux Cppcheck Codacy Badge Build_CI - Linux Bulid CI - windows Git Inspector