Constraints - Input | Worst Time Complexity
n ≤ 12 | O(n!)
n ≤ 25 | O(2^n)
n ≤ 100 | O(n^4)
n ≤ 500 | O(n^3)
n ≤ 10^4 | O(n^2)
n ≤ 10^6 | O(n log n)
n ≤ 10^8 | O(n)
n > 10^8 | O(log n) or O(1)
Reverse Array
delete an element from the array
- linear search
- binary search
- hashing
search element in the array
insert an element in array
sort the array
- insertion sort
- selection sort
- bubble sort
- merge sort
- quick sort
- heap sort
- count sort
- tree sort
find min and max elements
find maximum subarray sum
find first max element
find second max element
find kth smallest element
find kth largest element
sort array of 0,1,2
find duplicates in array or print duplicates
remove duplicates
- print string
- reverse string
- reverse string by words
- check weather string is anagram or not
- implement single linked list
- implement double linked list
- implement circluler linked list
- insert node in ll
- search node in ll
- delete node in ll
- find length of the list
- find middle node of list
- revese linked list
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree (Self Balanced Binary Search Tree)
- Red Black Tree
1. Undirected 2. Directed
1. Cyclic 2. Acyclic
1. Adjacency Matrix 2. Adjacency List
Directed acyclic graph
- 01 Knapsack
- Fibbonaci series
- Largest common subsequence
- Longest increasing subsequence
Lokesh singh
200 medium problems solved 27th march 2024. now target for next 100 medium problems.