
A simple Tool to run certain Operations on Nomad when receiving a Webhook


This Project was born to enable me to restart a certain Nomad Job once a new Version of Container Image has been built. For this I just register a certain Github Webhook to call this Endpoint and then Restart the Nomad Job

Environment Variables

  • LOG_MACHINE can be set to enable a machine readable (json) logging format
  • CONF_FILE Specifies the Path to the configuration File (default: config.json)
  • NOMAD_ADDR The domain or IP of the Nomad Server (default: localhost)
  • NOMAD_PORT The port of the Nomad Server (default: 4646)

Configuration File

The Configuration in JSON Form


    "name": {
        "image-tag": {
            "RestartJob": {
                "id": "job-name"

Github Webhook

Create a Github Webhook pointing to [domain]/name and using the application/json content type, with the package Option