Libraries required :

Hardware used :

  • Arduino Nano / ATmega328
  • MPU - 6050
  • BMP180
  • nRF24L01 PA LNA
  • A2212 1000kV motors with 1045 Props

PID Sets for smooth or sharp control:

SET A - Smooth handling and no jitters.

P(Pitch & Roll) - 1.3
I(Pitch & Roll) - 0.0105
D(Pitch & Roll) - 68.4

P(Yaw) - 4.0
I(Yaw) - 0.00525

SET B - Sharp Handling and very tiny jitters(being resolved).

P(Pitch & Roll) - 2.5
I(Pitch & Roll) - 0.0105
D(Pitch & Roll) - 63.4

P(Yaw) - 4.0
I(Yaw) - 0.00525