Cand.polyt. with absolutely zero idea of what he's doing. Enjoys writing overdeveloped backends, as well as useless but interesting software.
Odense, Demmark
Pinned Repositories
A multifunctional Discord Bot written in C# using the Discord.NET API.
An advanced Discord bot command framework based on the Discord.NET API. Originally a part of the Adminthulhu Discord Bot, it has now been extracted, cleaned up, and put into a library. This library allows for borderline turing-complete command based programming, directly in Discord!
An example content pack for Brute Force Attack 2, providing examples for some custom content using classes and plugins from custom code.
My first ever complete personal project. A classical-style tower defence game with some experimental features. Swapped out proper game design for fancy bloom post-processing.
Second attempt at a potential sequel to Brute Force Attack. Tower Defense game with a focus on large hordes of enemies, turret customization, and upgrade systems. Expected to be complete before the end of 2023, but no promises.
Something which is able to load and render .obj 3D models into a console window. Some might say this is useless and dumb, and I am inclined to agree, which is exactly why I made it!
Less of a rewrite, and more of a successor to my Adminthulhu bot. This bot takes a modular approach by loading bot functionality code at runtime from .dll files, instead of having it all in one codebase.
Simple singleplayer Tug-of-War style RTS. Not a serious production, more of a personal project to try out some ideas and improve some skills. Likely to be uploaded to itch.io later anyways.
First project. Group 30 of Software Engineering 2018. The overarching project for the first semester of university. Primary learning goals are basic teamworking skills, such as debates, conflict solving and effecient workflows.
Lomztein's Repositories
A multifunctional Discord Bot written in C# using the Discord.NET API.
Second attempt at a potential sequel to Brute Force Attack. Tower Defense game with a focus on large hordes of enemies, turret customization, and upgrade systems. Expected to be complete before the end of 2023, but no promises.
Less of a rewrite, and more of a successor to my Adminthulhu bot. This bot takes a modular approach by loading bot functionality code at runtime from .dll files, instead of having it all in one codebase.
My first ever complete personal project. A classical-style tower defence game with some experimental features. Swapped out proper game design for fancy bloom post-processing.
First project. Group 30 of Software Engineering 2018. The overarching project for the first semester of university. Primary learning goals are basic teamworking skills, such as debates, conflict solving and effecient workflows.
An advanced Discord bot command framework based on the Discord.NET API. Originally a part of the Adminthulhu Discord Bot, it has now been extracted, cleaned up, and put into a library. This library allows for borderline turing-complete command based programming, directly in Discord!
An example content pack for Brute Force Attack 2, providing examples for some custom content using classes and plugins from custom code.
A small piece of software in Java, capable of parsing basic mathematical expressions into their final result. It should be expandable enough for different use-cases.
Simple singleplayer Tug-of-War style RTS. Not a serious production, more of a personal project to try out some ideas and improve some skills. Likely to be uploaded to itch.io later anyways.
A combined repository for all small-scale University assignments.
Prototype sequel for Brute Force Attack that didn't go anywhere. No work will continue on this repository, any future versions of a Brute Force Attack 2 will be a new rewrite in a different repo. Uploaded to GitHub for future reference.
CoffeeBreak Pod Creation is a bachelor project for Frederik Bøttger-roth and Marcus L. Jensen of Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark. The goal is to be a small part of a larger microservice system, with custom made Kubernetes pod controllers and routers.
Originally supposed to become a Tug-of-War style online RTS game, unsurprisingly that was too much for a Unity newbie. These days it has become more of playground for AI experimentation.
Repository for storing the assignments for my Component-based Software Development classs.
📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions
A top-down rouge-lite shooter with limited RPG elements. Mostly for learning, might turn into something big.
Small practice project intended to create a simple top-down shooter using Unity's indev DOTS systems, in order to get a foot in the door, so to speak. Intends to recreate the game archived in Original.zip in this repository.
A heavily indev quasi-RTS game where the goal is to design AI behaviour, though the use of a visual scripting interface.
A C# program written to analyse the effeciency of ones the ships in ones Reassembly fleet, by pitting every single on against every single other in an overcomplicated pool turnament.
A shared repository for various minor mods I create for RimWorld, just so that it's a little easier to manage for me. Mods here are usually very limited in scope, and are the result of only a limited amount of hours of work.
Quick 6-hour weekend project intended to test out a few techniques as well as try to create some sort of super rudimentary space battle demo thing. What is learned here may prove useful in the future.