
Automate it with Python

Primary LanguagePython


Automate it with Python.

What is this?

This Python 3 package aims to help you automate several GUI actions easily through Python, like clicking, moving the mouse around, using the keyboard, etc.

How to install it?

pip install autoit

External requirements?

  • Windows, or
  • Linux
    • xdotool to do any ait operation.
    • Python's Xlib to use ait.log (mouse/keyboard logger).

What does it look like?

import ait

# Click wherever the mouse is

# Click with the right mouse button

# Click at some position
ait.click(140, 480)

# Click in the center of the screen with the middle button
ait.click(0.5, 0.5, 'M')

# Click 10 pixels below
ait.click(0j, 10j)

# Movement (absolute, percentage and relative) can also be done
ait.move(140, 480)
ait.move(0.5, 0.5)
ait.move(60j, -9j)

# Mouse position can also be retrieved
x, y = ait.mouse()

# Pressing keys can also be done
ait.press('q', '!', '\n')  # Exit vim
ait.press(*'\b' * 10)  # 10 backspaces
# Writing things with the keyboard too
ait.write('Hello world!\n')