Biomek Automated Methods

Repository of the London Biofoundry's automated methods on the Biomek workcell composer of:

  • Biomek i7 - Liquid handling robot
  • Echo 550 - Accounting liquid handling robot
  • ClariostarPlus - Plate reader
  • Precise - Robotic Arm
  • Liconic STX - Automated shaker incubator


Development stages

Corresponds to the split of the folders in which methods are stored.

Under Development

The automated method is being developed. It hasn't been validated yet.


The automated method went through the validation process successfully. It is safe to be used.


Backup of the method version used to run samples through the method.

Naming convention

Method#_Name_v# (e.g Method14_MediaCulturesDoE_v1)

Used for methods under development or validated.

  • Method#: internal ID
  • Name: biological process name
  • v#: version number

Method#_Name_v#_Date_Operator (e.g Method14_MediaCulturesDoE_v1_06092022_Keltoum)

Used for automated runs.

  • Method#: internal ID
  • Name: biological process name
  • v#: version number
  • Date: date of the run
  • Operator: name of the person who performed the run


London Biofoundry