
Spigot library to edit items NBT very fast.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Comparison to NBT API



FastNbt is ~190% faster than NBT API.
Check the benchmark here


FastNbt is easier to use compared to NBT API and requires less boilerplate code.

Creating an head texture

NItem nItem = new nItem(new ItemStack(Material.PLAYER_HEAD));
nItem.setSkull("dummy", "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjc4ZWYyZTRjZjJjNDFhMmQxNGJmZGU5Y2FmZjEwMjE5ZjViMWJmNWIzNWE0OWViNTFjNjQ2Nzg4MmNiNWYwIn19fQ==");
nItem.save(); // If finished editing

Renaming an item

NOTE: FastNBT supports only Compound strings. If you want to use legacy notation you have to call the Spigot API as usual.

NItem nItem = new nItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE));
nItem.setDisplayNameCompound("{\"text\":\"Example Compound Name\",\"color\":\"blue\"}");
nItem.save(); // If finished editing

Setting an attribute modifier

nItem.save(); // If finished editing

Setting an attribute modifier (manual method)

NList attributes = nItem.getOrAddList("AttributeModifiers", NBTType.Compound);
NCompound attribute = new NCompound();
attribute.setString("AttributeName", attributeName);
attribute.setInt("Operation", operation);
attribute.setInt("UUIDLeast", uuidLeast);
attribute.setInt("UUIDMost", uuidMost);
attribute.setDouble("Amount", amount);
attribute.setString("Name", name);
attribute.setString("Slot", slot);


Currently, supports only items.


Adding it to your project





  • Create a new module for the new NMS version and add the correct paper-nms dependency.
  • Add the new NMS version to the Version enum.
  • Add the new module in the modules list of FastNbt module and as dependency in the FastNbt-jar module.
  • Edit .mvn-exec/GenerateNms.js file if needed.

Should be all.

LoneDev's Notes

How to publish to the maven repository

mvn deploy

How to install locally

mvn install

Editing to the repository

  • Clone it
  • Change paths in .mvn-exec/CopyFile.bat and RemoveMetaInf.bat based on your directories
  • Make your changes
  • Run node .\.mvn-exec\GenerateNms.js (run it each time you edit something in the NMS files)
  • Run mvn install in order to access the plugin as dependency in your projects
  • Run Maven clean package and get the generated jar from output folder