
An android app to browse books using the goodreads API

Primary LanguageJava

Get Books!

A simple android app that helps you keep your favorite books in one place! It uses the goodreads api to get all the data.

🚧 deprecation warning 🚧

The goodreads API has been deprecated, probably will stop working soon. I'm considering rewriting this project with the APIs from http://openlibrary.org/ and jetpack componse


  • Search for any book you like
  • Add a book to your favorite list
  • See authors and their related works



  1. Clone the repo and import into android studio
  2. Get a goodreads API key from https://www.goodreads.com/api
  3. Make a resource file in res/values (eg. api_key.xml)
  4. Add your API key as a string resource with name GR_API_Key (eg. <string name="GR_API_Key">_key_here_</string>)
  5. Build and run the project.


author search
