
MAL AKA MyanimeList Json Rest API



Endpoint for MyAnimeList API (WIP)

Table of Contents


Get a full MyAnimeList information on any kind of anime and manga (WIP) using their respective MAL ID.
Made for our new soon-to-be-released app Setsuna and for future projects.

It is free and has no limits of now (30/12/2017)

Example: https://myanimelist.net/anime/1535/Death_Note, in this case the MAL ID is 1535. Check Usage to see how to interact with the API. https://i.imgur.com/FHExi6e.png


Host: https://initiate.host/

JSON Rest Endpoints.

Normal Usage: /anime/{ID} i.e.: https://initiate.host/anime/1

For logs: /stratum/loggs/{ID}
In case you want to filter the level, there's the parameter with 3 options called level:
level can be error, debug or info


Mikan is currently in development, do expect some little bugs (no missing data), and if you face any issue, open an issue with the request ID from the Json.