
A GUI rewrite of my CLI tnes2ines converter.

Primary LanguagePython


A GUI implementation of my CLI tnes2ines converter.


A tool to convert the proprietary TNES NES rom format (used in the 3ds VC NES releases and more) to INES 1.0. It can also extract the prg and chr sections from TNES roms and the FDS bios and .qd's from .tds files

This program does not convert .qd's to .fds files. If you need to convert from qd to fds, use qd2fds.py from @einstein95

An aside:

This program is my first foray in programming a GUI application using pyqt5. If you encounter any errors in this program, please report it.


INES Format - Nesdev
TNES Format - Nesdev