
Stereo View Synthesis Model

Primary LanguagePython

Stereo View Synthesis Project


This is the main code for the prototyping version of the Stereo View Synthesis project. The focus is on implementing "Microsaccadic" rendering techniques using event cameras. The code involves reading stereo images, disparity maps, and generating a layered depth image (LDI) for creating an immersive 3D view.

Project Preview

Stereo View Synthesis


  • 3D View Generation: The project employs advanced techniques to synthesize stereo views, creating a sense of depth and dimensionality.

Getting Started

For Microsacadic Generation

  1. Import necessary libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import torch
    from dataloader.sceneflow_dataloader import *
    from dataloader.ldi import *
    from config.config_utils import *
    import utils.geometry as geometry_helper
    import numpy as np
    import time
  2. Read stereo images and disparity maps:

    left, right, left_disp, right_disp = sceneflow_dataloader.read_stereo("source/sceneflow/image/left/0006.png"
                                                                      , "source/sceneflow/depth/left/0006.pfm"
                                                                      , "source/sceneflow/depth/right/0006.pfm")
  3. Initialize a video writer:

    video_maker = VideoWriter('test2.avi', fps=20)
  4. Load configuration and initialize rotation and translation matrices:

    config = Config.from_yaml('config/train.yaml')
    R, T = geometry_helper.get_identity_rotation(), geometry_helper.get_identity_transform()
  5. Initialize Layered Depth Image (LDI):

    H, W = left.shape[:2]
    layered_depth_image = LDI.make_LDI_from_config(config.LDI)
  6. Set mesh from left image and disparity map:

    layered_depth_image.set_mesh_from_image(left, left_disp)
  7. Disunite discontinuities based on a disparity threshold:

  8. Merge mesh from right image and disparity map:

    layered_depth_image.merge_mesh_from_image(right, right_disp, 1)
  9. Set render information:

  10. Create microsaccadic movement paths:

    paths = make_sacaddes_movement(config.camera_path, max(left_disp.max(), right_disp.max()), 1)
  11. Render images for each microsaccadic movement and write to video:

    for R, T in paths:
        img = layered_depth_image.render(R, T)
  12. Finish video creation:


3D Mesh Visualization using Vispy


This script demonstrates the creation and visualization of a 3D mesh using the Vispy library. The mesh is constructed from an input image, where each pixel in the image corresponds to a vertex in the mesh. Faces are generated to create a mesh representation, and the resulting 3D scene is displayed using Vispy's scene module.


Make sure you have the required libraries installed. You can install them using:

pip install matplotlib numpy vispy


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repository.git
    cd your-repository
  2. Run the main script:

    python main_script.py

For stereo view synthesis

  1. Import necessary libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from vispy import scene
    from vispy.scene import visuals
    from vispy.visuals.filters import Alpha
    from utils.geometry import *
  2. Load an image and create depth values:

    img = plt.imread('../source/my.jpg')
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    depth = np.tile((np.arange(0, w))/w, (1, h, 1))
  3. Create a Vispy canvas and views:

    canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(bgcolor='black', size=(w*3, h*3))
    grid = canvas.central_widget.add_grid()
    view = canvas.central_widget.add_view()
    left_view = grid.add_view(name='left_view', border_color='yellow')
  4. Create a mesh and set its data:

    mesh = visuals.Mesh(shading=None)
    mesh.set_data(vertices=vertice, faces=faces, vertex_colors=colors)
  5. Add the mesh to the scene and set camera transformations:

    tr = view.camera.transform
    tr.translate([0, 0, 0])
    tr.rotate(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=180)
  6. Render and display the 3D scene:

    img = canvas.render()

Feel free to customize and experiment with the code to suit your specific requirements. :)