Crate finder
is a very simple and lightweight file searcher with the filtering of files.
It provides an efficient implementation of recursive file search.
To use this crate, add finder
as a dependency to your project's
finder = "0.1"
The following code recursively search all files in /foo
and /bar
extern crate finder;
use finder::Finder;
fn main() {
let finders = Finder::new("/foo:/bar");
for i in finders.into_iter() {
println!("{}", i.path().to_str().unwrap());
The following code recursively search .ttf
and .ttc
files in /foo
and /bar
extern crate finder;
use std::fs::DirEntry;
use finder::Finder;
fn is_font_file(e: &DirEntry) -> bool {
if let Some(s) = e.path().file_name() {
let name = String::from(s.to_str().unwrap());
if (name.ends_with(".ttf") || name.ends_with(".ttc")) {
return true;
fn main() {
let finders = Finder::new("/foo:/bar");
for i in finders.filter(&is_font_file).into_iter() {
println!("{}", i.path().to_str().unwrap());