
An implementation of Decoupled Software Pipelining

Primary LanguageC

An implementation of DSWP

Currently, under development.


Decoupled Software Pipelining (DSWP) is an automatic thread extraction technique (Ottoni, 2005). There have been previous attempts at implementing it (2011 project and 2013 project), but the efforts resulted in unfinished and unmaintainable solutions.

Therefore, the goals of this project are to provide a complete, reusable and maintainable implementation of the technique, which can then be integrated in prototypes of further research on the topic.



This project depends on LLVM+Clang 3.7.0 and is developed on Linux. Thus, no guarantees are made that it's going to work with any other version of LLVM or on any other operating system - sorry. Make sure you have the LLVM+Clang 3.7.0 binary directory on your system PATH in order to build and use the pass.


Run tools/build.sh. This script will use cmake 2.8 and make in order to build the project.



The following text would describe the repository when the implementation is completed - it may not describe its working state.

Available Passes

The pass directory contains the code for libdswp.so - a library that contains the following LLVM 3.7.0 function passes:

  • ddg - builds the Data Dependence Graph of a function using the Use-Def chains already built-in LLVM; in order for this pass to work, the bytecode should be in SSA form;
  • mdg - builds the Memory Dependence Graph of a function using llvm / Analysis / MemoryDependenceAnalysis.h; only instruction definition dependencies are considered(no clobber / alias dependencies);
  • cdg - builds theControl Dependence Graph of a function;
  • pdg - combines the previous three graphs in a single graph of instruction dependencies; note that since cdg produces a basic block dependence graph all of the instructions in the dependant block are made to depend on the branch instruction of the dependency source;
  • psg - incomplete and memory leaking experimental pass; finds the Strongly Connected Components of the Program Dependence Graph and builds a graph out of them;
  • dot-XXX - prints a .dot representation of each function for the graph build by XXX to a file; XXX is one of the five graph building passes;
  • find-dswp - uses the experimental psg pass to analyse an LLVM bytecode file and prints DSWP opportunities to the standard output.

In order to analyze a .cpp file called foo.cpp, make sure you have LLVM 3.7.0 installed and do the following:

clang++ foo.cpp -c -emit-llvm -o foo.bc
opt -mem2dep foo.bc -o ssa.bc
opt -load $ICSA_DSWP_HOME/build/pass/libdswp.so -find-dswp ssa.bc -o /dev/null

The test directory contains example programs on which the DSWP pass can be tested and demonstrated.

Code Structure

This section talks about the source code of the project. It is meant to be read while looking at the source code, so go ahead and open an editor.


The starting point for understanding the code is the Dependence.h header file. It implements the template class DependenceGraph<ValueType>. This class represents dependences between abstract objects of type ValueType - let's call these objects 'nodes' for the sake of discussion. The dependences are represented as a map from nodes to sets of nodes that depend on them.

It is worth noting that nodes are not stored in the Graph, but elsewhere, and are referenced by using pointers to them. For example, if the node Value has type ValueType * then internally for the DependenceGraph class the nodes which depend on Value are stored in the set accessed as Nodes[Value]. The type of this set is std::set<ValueType *>. In other words, the type of Nodes is std::map<ValueType*, std::set<ValueType *>>.

There is a common sense interface exposed by DependenceGraph<ValueType>, allowing users to add and remove nodes, add edges, check if a node depends on another one, and clear the graph. There are also nodes_begin and nodes_end iterators which allow the traversal of the nodes of the graph, and are nothing but aliases for the begin and end iterators of the underlying map structure. This allows the user to corrupt the DependenceGraph structure, which we hope they won't do.

The type of the node iterators are std::map<ValueType *, std::set<ValueType *>>::iterator (aliased to nodes_iterator), thus in order to traverse the dependants of a single node, one needs to use iterator->second.begin() and iterator->second.end(). The type of these iterators is std::set<ValueType *>::iterator (aliased to dependant_iterator).

In order to test this class, compile and run pass/test/TestDependence.cpp.

DDG.h and DDG.cpp

The simplest use of the DependenceGraph class is in the implementation of the Data Dependence Graph (DDG) LLVM function pass, which builds the DDG of a function using the def-use chains of instructions. The header file DDG.h defines a trivial FunctionPass - DataDependenceGraphPass. The non-trivial parts of the definition are that it is storing an instance of DependenceGraph<Instruction> which can be accessed via a getter method and cleared via releaseMemory(), and the declaration inside getAnalysisUsage() that the pass doesn't modify the given LLVM IR in any way.

The implementation of the pass is in the source file DDG.cpp. It includes some LLVM boilerplate (registering the pass), but the entry point is the runOnFunction method. It first loops over the instructions of a function and adds them to the internal (for the pass) DependenceGraph as nodes. Then it goes over the instructions again and adds all of their 'users' from their def-use chain as nodes dependant on the instructions in the DependenceGraph.

In order to test this pass, build the project and execute tools/test-pass.sh with -ddg and a test cpp file as command line arguments.

This pass is useless on its own, as there is no way to extract its result. For this reason, we need to look at DDGPrinter.cpp.

DDGPrinter.cpp and GraphTraits

The DDG of a function can be printed using the DDGPrinter pass, defined in DDGPrinter.cpp. It depends on the DataDependenceGraphPass as specified in getAnalysisUsage and it uses the DepGraphTraitsWrapper class defined in DependenceTraits.h in order to print the graph using the LLVM GraphWriter class. Also, InstDOTTraits.h is included as it defines DOTGraphTraits for DependenceGraph<Instruction>, which is used by GraphWriter to decide how to label the nodes of the graph. This is specified in the getNodeLabel method of DOTGraphTraits and it just prints the instruction as text.

It is worth discussing the structure of the classes defined in DependenceTraits.h. In order to define LLVM's GraphTraits for a graph structure, it needs to be represented by separate classes - one for the graph and one for nodes in the graph. However, we decided to implement the graph as a single class, as described in the Dependence.h section. For this reason, we had to implement wrappers around it in order to comply with the requirements of GraphTraits.

When specializing GraphTraits for a graph type, the following elements need to be defined:

  • NodeType - the class that represents a node of the graph;
  • nodes_iterator - an iterator that is constructed from a constant reference to a graph object and dereferences to a pointer to a node object;
  • nodes_begin and nodes_end - methods that construct the begin and end nodes_iterators given a constant reference to a graph object;
  • ChildIteratorType - an iterator that is constructed from a pointer to a node object and is dereferenced to a pointer to a node object;
  • child_begin and child_end - methods that construct the begin and end ChildIteratorTypes given a pointer to a node object.

This is done in the GraphTraits<DepGraphTraitsWrapper<ValueType>> class defined in DependenceTraits.h.

The DepGraphTraitsWrapper class that GraphTraits is being specialized for, needs to be constructed out of a DependenceGraph object. The constructor allocates a DepNodeTraitsWrapper for every node in the given DependenceGraph and stores a std::map from ValueType *s to these new DepNodeTraitsWrappers. Let's call the node type Node and the graph type Graph for the sake of discussion. Node stores a reference to the Graph that contains it, a constant ValueType * to the node it represents, and a const pointer to std::set<ValueType *> - the set of the nodes that depend on it. In this way, Node doesn't own any of the objects it references, but is simply a proxy used to plug into the GraphTraits mechanism.

There are two more types defined in DependenceTraits.h: DepNodeIterator and DepNodeChildIterator. These are the required nodes_iterator and ChildIteratorType required by GraphTraits. The interesting functions in the implementation are the constructors and the dereferencing operators (operator*).

DepNodeIterator is constructed from a const_iterator of the map specialization used by Graph, which dereferences to a std::pair<ValueType *, std::unique_ptr<Node>> and thus the DepNodeIterator is dereferenced by taking the second element of that pair and extracting the pointer that it manages. Explicitly, this looks like idx->second.get(), where idx is the previously mentioned const_iterator.

DepNodeChildIterator is constructed from an iterator of the set that is the value_type of the map used in DependenceGraph, namely std::set<ValueType *>. A reference to a DepGraphTraitsWrapper is also provided during construction of the DepNodeChildIterator, as in order to dereference this iterator to a Node, the Graph storing that Node needs to be known. This is also the reason Nodes store a reference to their containing Graph - in order to pass it to the constructor of their child iterators. This iterator is dereferenced by first dereferencing the stored set iterator and then using the value to extract the Node that the Graph associates with this value. Namely, G[*idx], where idx is the previously mentioned iterator and G is an instance of Graph.

All of this comes together when invoking llvm::WriteGraph in the method writeToFile in the Graph class definition. By using the specialization of GraphTraits llvm::WriteGraph knows how to traverse our custom graph and write it to a file in the .dot format.

In order to test this pass, build the project and execute . The DDGPrinter can be tested by running tools/test-pass.sh with -dot-ddg and a test cpp file as command line arguments and inspecting the generated output. A .dot file can be converted to a PDF using the dot tool:

dot -Tpdf foo.dot -o foo.pdf

MDG.h and MDG.cpp

Once we have the pipeline set up for one dependence graph, it is easy to replicate the code for others. The MemoryDependenceGraphPass that we implement, is just a wrapper for LLVM's MemoryDependenceAnalysis. In MDG.h we define the pass, which like the one in DDG.h stores a dependence graph on instructions. In getAnalysisUsage we specify that the pass doesn't modify the IR structure and that it depends on MemoryDependenceAnalysis. The dependence graph can be accessed via the getMDG method and cleared via releaseMemory.

In MDG.cpp we traverse the function that the pass is being ran on, and we add all of its instructions to the dependence graph. Then we consider only 'def' dependencies from MemoryDependenceAnalysis and we add them to the graph also. We should consider the other type of dependencies too, but since some of them are not 'must'-dependencies, we ignore them for now.

The MDGPrinter.cpp implements a printing pass, almost identical to DDGPrinter.cpp. In order to test the MemoryDependenceGraph, you can use tools/test-pass.sh, similarly to the test for the DataDependenceGraph. The first argument can be either -mdg or -dot-mdg. Where the former just tests the memory dependence graph pass, without printing it.

CDG.h and CDG.cpp

Similarly to MDG.h and DDG.h, CDG.h defines a simple pass that stores a dependence graph and provides ways to access it and clear it. This dependence graph, however, is on basic blocks, rather than instructions. The pass depends on the PostDominatorTree analysis pass, since that is used to construct the control dependence graph, as per Cytron '89.

The construction algorithm is implemented in CDG.cpp and the method runOnFunction of the new pass. It starts with building a bottom-up traversal stack of the post-dominator tree of the current function. It uses that to build the post-dominator frontier for each of the nodes in the control-flow graph. The reverse of that map (from basic blocks to their post-dominator frontier) is the map from basic blocks to the ones that have a control dependence on these basic blocks.

There is a standard printer class CDGPriner in the corresponding .cpp file. DOTGraphTraits had to be specialized for BasicBlocks in order for this to work. This specialization piggy-backs on the default function traits implemented in LLVM, in order to pretty-print the list of instruction of the basic block as labels in the resulting graph.

These passes can be tested using tools/test-pass.sh and -cdg or -dot-cdg as first parameters.

PDG.h and PDG.cpp

The header file PDG.h defines yet another dependence graph on instructions. However, this one combines all of the previous three - CDG, DDG, and MDG - into a program dependence graph. A dependence on the other three passes is expressed in getAnalysisUsage.

The construction of the program dependence graph is implemented in PDG.cpp. It copies the dependences from the data and memory dependence graphs. The ones in the control dependence graph, however, are on basic blocks rather than instructions. In order to convert them, all the instructions of the dependant basic block are made to depend on the last instruction of the parent basic block. That instruction is always a conditional branch, in order for there to be a control dependence. Additionally, extra dependences are added from the branch instruction of basic blocks to phi nodes that have constants as in-values from these basic blocks. This is done to reflect the fact that if a phi node has a constant as an in-value that is equivalent to defining the initial value for a variable in that in-block.


The program dependence graph is used by the PDGSCCGraphPass which constructs a dependence graph of the strongly connected components in a PDG. This information is stored as a DependenceGraph on std::sets of const Instruction *s. Each set represents a set of Instructions which constitute a strongly connected component in the PDG.There is also a std::map from the root of strongly connected components to the components themselves, which is used to act as a memory storage for the sets. Pointers to this storage are used in the output graph PSG and the map from instructions to their connected components InstToSCC. In addition to the standard interface implemented for the other dependence graphs, there is a getter that allows accessing the strongly connected component of an instruction, given the instruction.


A small library of graph utilities for DependenceGraphs. It exports functions transpose and findSCC to respectively compute the transpose of a graph (reversing the edges) and finding the strongly connected components of a graph, using the Kosajaru's algorithm.


The implementation, which is in PSG.cpp works as follows. The GraphUtils.h library is used to compute the root instruction of the SCC of each instruction and is stored in the component map. This map is traversed and used to construct the SCCs map from roots of strongly connected components to the components themselves. After this is done, each SCC is added as a node to the dependence graph PSG and the map from instructions to their components is cached in InstToSCC. Finally, for each edge in the PDG a corresponding edge is added in the PSG, where instructions are mapped to their SCCs.

DecoupleLoops.h and DecoupleLoops.cpp

Finally, DecoupleLoops.h and DecoupleLoops.cpp implement a pass, that using the PSG graph of a function marks all instructions of the function as either iter or work. iter instructions make the loop go round, while work instructions produce additional results from running the loop. All loops have iter instructions, but if work instructions can be extracted, then the loop can potentially benefit from Decoupled Software Pipelining. The result of this pass is two std::maps from const Loop * to the set of iter SCCs and the set of work SCCs. These are stored in the PSG pass, so it's memory shouldn't be cleared in order for this pass to work. (maybe we should just copy the memory).