
Datalog implementations of dependency/slicing analyses on LLVM IR

Primary LanguageC++


Author: Markus Kusano

Collection of LLVM program analysis passes implemented using datalog.

The general flow of each analysis is:

  1. Parse LLVM IR for facts about the program.
  2. Combine facts with datalog program analysis specification.
  3. Query datalog engine for results.



Note: this was built against LLVM 3.5. Newer versions of LLVM (e.g., 3.7) have some API changes causing the build to fail. More information on linking to non-system installations of LLVM can be seen below (Build Options).


Requires the Z3 library files to be built. Again, if these are in non-standard locations, see below. The syntax used in .smt2 files has changed a bit, particularly for making queries. This was tested using Z3 commit cee7dd39444c9060186df79c2a2c7f8845de415b


The passes are built using cmake. They require LLVM (tested on 3.5).

To build, first create a directory for the build files.

mkdir build
cd build

Then, run cmake passing the uppermost directory of this repo

cmake ../

Then, simply run make


The result will be a set of .so files that can be loaded with opt's -load command.

Build Options

By default, cmake will search for the LLVM cmake file in some standard locations. If you would like to specify the location, use the variable LLVM_DIR. It should be set to the directory containing the LLVMConfig.cmake file. It is located at <LLVM Install Directory>/share/llvm/cmake. For example, run the following in the build directory:

cmake -DLLVM_DIR=/home/markus/src/install-3.5/share/llvm/cmake ../


The datalog engine used in Z3 is required. Follow their build instructions:


If Z3 is installed in a non-standard location the CMake variables Z3_LIB and Z3_INC should be set to the lib and include directories of the install. Use -DZ3_LIB=... and -DZ3_INC=...

Directory Layout

./utils contains some common code shared amongst passes.


./ContextInsenAA contains a context insensitive alias analysis. It supports tracing not only back to malloc but also across all pointer arithmetic. It supports loads and stores of pointers. For example:

store i8** %argv, i8*** %2, align 8
%3 = load i8*** %2, align 8

In this example, there is an assignment of argv to a single indirection %2 (of type i8**). The subsequent load of %3 does not alias %2 but rather aliases *%2 which is argv.


A interprocedural context-insensitive calculation of the program dependence graph. This is the combination of the control and data dependence graph. Includes dependency edges caused by aliasing.

The underlying alias analysis is the same as ContextInsenAA (context insensitive, interprocedural)


Same as ContextInsenPDG but supports dynamic dispatch (i.e., function pointers). The point-to relation for functions is mutually calculated along with the inter-procedural dependency relation.


Given a LLVM bit-code file filled with a Value database (see utils/ValToStrDb.{cpp,h}) this will output the name of each node to DOT format. This can be used after an analysis is run and you want to examine the graphical results.