
Capybara Selectors for Angular Material

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Capybara Selectors for Angular Material

Build Status Gem Version

A DSL for interacting and/or checking against Angular Material components.

This is tested using the capybara/poltergeist driver.

If you want to test how this works locally, check out this repo, install then run rackup -p8000. You'll see the paths in the app.js file. eg: localhost:8000/#/radio. I'll get around to documenting more later.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capybara-angular-material'

You'll also need to install Capybara.


In your spec helper, include the DSL:

require 'capybara/angular/material'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  include Capybara::Angular::Material


Querying forms

have_md_checkbox('Some text')
have_md_checkbox('Other thing', :checked => true)
have_md_button('Some text')
have_md_radio_button('Banana', :checked => true)
have_md_radio_button('Some place holder text')
have_md_select('Select Label')

Interacting with forms

md_check('A checkbox')
md_uncheck('A checkbox')
md_select('An option', :from => 'Select Menu')