
TAD-Lactuca is a tool to predict Topologically Associating Domains(TAD) boundary using histone marks information. It was written in Python language, using Random Forests(RF) and Multilayer Perception(MLP).


  • The data fold contains the origin data (expect the bigwig file, the detail can be found in paper)
  • The src fold contains all scripts, such as data processing, modeling and plot.
  • The cache fold contains the main result and some processed the multiple resolution feature signal, such as the bin's length range(40kb,20kb,10kb), the bin's number range(10,8,6).
  • The pic fold contains the all signal pattern of different feature.


  • Python3.*
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Tensorflow / Tensorflow-gpu
  • Keras
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Matplotlib


The data fold contains the original files, the signals of different type histone were calculate by bedtool, the details can be seen from ./src/utils/get_signal_plot.py


If you want to use the example data, you can run the script as:

python3 tad_lactuca.py

If you want to use your own data, please run the script as:

python3 tad_lactuca.py [the path of your data]  


  1. The feature data of the locus you want to know is boundary or not
  2. Only the base location you want to know is in the domain or boundary


  • The probability of the input data belong to each category.
  • The signal of the locus.