
QuickCrt Text Mode Display Library

Primary LanguagePascalMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Welcome to the new QuickCrt version 9.x

QuickCrt 9 is a complete rewrite of the previous versions. This version is 100% assembly code and is designed to be directly built into asm projects. It also includes, Turbo Pascal unit wrappers for creating programs in TP5.5 & TP7.0.

It's goal is to simplify creating text mode console programs. At present, it only supports 16-bit DOS. However, eventually, I would like to support 32/64-bit Mac, Windows and Linux consoles as well.

Requirements: NASM 2.11.08 for DOS 286+ CPU (TargetCPU, 8086 compitibility untested) FreeDOS, DosBox or other DOS based operating system. TurboPascal 5.5 (Verion 7.0 recommended) for Pascal. V8Power Tools for DOS.

Copyright 1990-2021, Jerome Shidel Released Under Mozilla Public License 2.0

This project and related files are subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.