- boxiaowaveUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- Chr0802CMB China
- Cornann
- DoragdByteDance
- fantyue
- ForeverFancyUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- gaosq0604Tokyo
- Gideonzsd
- heping0228neu
- leengsmile
- lei-won
- LiuChang97
- liujiming789NanJing China
- lyhfr
- maosengshulei
- mdiligent
- MySuperSoulZhejiang University
- OrangeInSouthHarbin Institute of Technology
- PALIN2018
- SaintE419
- seraphliu
- ShawnLueWechat AI, Tencent
- SongChongyong
- sralvinsNanjing,China
- thesophiaxuMcGill University / @mila-iqia / @thunlp
- toooooodoZhejiang University
- wangjw14
- wyk0517
- xcfcode
- yongbosmartPKU, SE SDU, CS
- Zebulon-Chen
- zjujunge
- ZJWang9928
- zyWang88China
- zz112107117