
This is the repository for the LMMS "Wellenwert-Theme"

Primary LanguageShell

---- WELLENWERT – LMMS THEME ---- ---- Created by Loopshape in 2017 ----

current Screenshot


This is a custom theme-package for the famous Linux-Multimedia-Studio (called short: LMMS)!

Just copy the content of the inner ZIP-archiv into the default-folder within "/usr/share/lmms/themes".

-> Restart LMMS, there'ya go!!!


Wellenwert – LMMS Theme <<<

Gratulation for downloading the colorful "Wellenwert" theme for LMMS! I hope you'll be happy with this awesome colors, as I'm doing. I've modified icons and created a colorful palette with a widen spectrum of all possible color-values that could be combined together!!! This theme is based originally on another "dark" theme from another author, that was modified by me with a recolored icon-stack and a modified CSS-scriptfile, that belongs also to the package.



I've added some automation-scripts for the bash-shell! If you want to use these scripts for compiling, zipping and extracting the theme-folder, please install Node.JS first:

sudo apt-get update -y [ENTER] sudo apt-get install -fy sudo gksu nano nodejs-legacy npm zip unzip [ENTER] sudo npm i -g n [ENTER] sudo n latest [ENTER] sudo npm i -g npm [ENTER] sudo npm i -g compass sass less fis-parser-node-sass-qt [ENTER]

...when all commands are executed, then all needed files were installed for compiling. You can now start to modifiy the ".scss" file in the LMMS_Theme folder and compile it via the predefined automation-scripts in the main theme-folder.


Some credits goes out to the original creator of the dark theme, that the "Wellenwert – LMMS Theme" is based on. I have to search the original theme out of the LMMS.io website first, then I can say, which theme was chosen... sorry!

To see a screenshot visit this G+ Drive-File : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_UgXt41KnXhaHJRMVlJRG9uZkU

FileMirror (regularly, the latest uploads can be found here!) : https://github.com/Loopshape/Wellenwert_LMMS_Theme

"WELLENWERT" – Soundcloud-Account with Tracks, that were produced with LMMS : https://soundcloud.com/dj_averion

Homepage (personal Blog for WebDevelopment) from Loopshape [Theme Autor/Modifier] : https://awebgoblog.wordpress.com/