
An instant, decentralized, digital game asset trading framework on the NEO blockchain.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Loot Marketplace Framework & LootClicker

We are bringing blockchain gaming to the mainstream, providing a complete and viable solution to digitalizing assets in fast paced large scale commercial games without hindering the end user.

At its core we are targeting the gaming industry; allowing the trading of digitalized assets instantly and securely for the end user, through the utilization of the NEO blockchain, smart contracts and a front-running incentivized relaying network.

Producers and developers can simply integrate with the network, registering their marketplace in the smart contract. They will then be able to leverage exclusive management rights to their assets, without needing to trust a third party.

The framework and decentralized game modes are built upon our open source smart contract.

All framework interaction occurs on our public API listed at the bottom of this document. Upon the completion of a review by a certified NEO development group, our wallet will be open sourced and released in this repository.

LootClicker (ALPHA) - Play at http://www.lootclicker.online

NOTE: As we are in alpha testing, only whitelisted emails will be able to register and login. We have sent accounts and wallets to the judges of the NEO Game competition. You can sign up for this on our website.





  • LootClicker is a f2p MMO casual clicker game.
  • It was built from the ground up specifically for the NEO blockchain and as a game to play casually or on the side while trading cryptocurrencies.
  • The centralized aspect of game logic itself is managed by an authoritative server, every action which may effect the in game economy and value of assets is verified and accepted by the server, this will attempt to remove all cheating from the game to properly simulate an in game economy.
  • Players can earn items from crates, or in decentralized game modes.
  • The in game equippable assets are all integrated into the framework and therefore registered on the NEO blockchain.

Game Features

A list of some of the features that are currently working:

  • Singleplayer mode in which the player can fight enemies and defeat powerful bosses to advance stages.
  • Offline bounty (soft currency) and experience generation that is claimed upon login, this is scaled dependent on your idle damage and stage.
  • Find rare gems in combat that can be spent to perform actions such as creating guilds, starting events and rerolling your class.
  • In game digital assets all are given stats and/or abilities according to their rarity along with unique sounds and effects.
  • There are 7 weapon classes to use, equipping a weapon class with give you an additional active skill to use in combat.
  • Unlock mercenaries with bounty in single player mode that will increase damage output.
  • At level 100+ you can "Server Hop". You will gain passive bonuses and be able to unlock active/passive skills, but in turn will be stripped of your current rank, currency and stage.
  • At higher levels you may choose and unlock from 3 talent classes; beserker, specialist and lawless. These each have their own unique active and passive skills.
  • Join a guild, with up to 50 members to chat, rank up, and complete timed events to earn rewards.
  • Daily rewards can be collected on a login streak over 30 days.
  • Unlock over 100 achievements which yield unique rewards and titles.
  • Enter our first decentralized game mode "Blockchain Royale", all logic is resolved on the blockchain in a smart contract.
  • A friends list, global online chat with channels and private messaging.
  • Search the gear and stats of any other player.
  • Equip pets, cosmetics and weapons to use in battle.
  • Reroll the stats of weapons.
  • Leaderboards for guilds and players.
  • Progress is never lost, and bound to your account/blockchain.
  • A full functioning in game marketplace has been integrated to showcase how assets can be sold, bought and traded on the Loot marketplace framework.

Accessing LootClicker items in the wallet

  • You may register an account with a pre-existing private key, or else a new one will be created for you.
    • You can copy this private key, and with it log into the wallet with the first option on the menu.
    • In the "Settings", you can click "Save Wallet" to enable easy access into the wallet where you can access your items.
  • Any items in your wallet are cross synced with an integrated game, so purchased marketplace items in the wallet will be available for use in LootClicker without an effort on the players part.

Next release - Patch 1.1

We aim to have the following released by the next patch as we transition into open beta.

  • Fixing any residual alpha bugs.
  • Standalone builds for mac/pc.
  • Add new cosmetics, mercenaries and items.
  • Perfect the in game scaling algorithms for the best player experience.
  • Support for WebGL uploading profile pictures.
  • Android/Mac build begins.

Decentralized Game Modes

Blockchain Royale

As a part of the NEO-Game competition, we wanted to really showcase the potential of what a smart contract is capable of. We have decided to release our first decentralized game mode based on the popular "Battle Royale" gamemode.


  • For a player to perform an action, they must sign and send an invocation transaction with their private key and the ensure the required parameters of what they want to do are in the script.

  • Every single action of this game mode is decided and resolved inside the smart contract and output through Notify events which are relayed to the game including:

    • Movement: moving the player in a direction along a map.
    • Map boundaries: defining where the player is allowed to move along a map.
    • Random in game events: dynamically spawning areas on the map that are randomly marked off and destroyed.
    • Timeouts: ensuring inactive players can be removed.
    • Looting and fighting: random rolls decided on the blockchain result in public and fair results.
    • Rewards: the smart contract can be programmed to give rewards to addresses based on certain conditions.
  • Smart contracts are able to emit Notify events so we know what occurred on the blockchain such as the following from our contract:

details = ["BR", event_code,"BR_sign_up",address, result]

Here we can see that an address has signed up, and what the result was.

  • Important game information is caught by our API, stored and able to be publicly queryable through the API calls listed below.
  • We can then from in game, call the API and show the player game logic based on the results decided in a smart contract by querying these logs back in order.



Contract call: BR_create [UniqueGameID,Address,Marketplace,Items]

  • A marketplace owner may create an event, and pass in x rewards, which will be given to the last x players of the match.
Sign Up:

Contract call: BR_sign_up [UniqueGameID,Address]

  • Players may sign up to the event, this registers them into the event in the smart contract itself.

Contract call: BR_start [UniqueGameID,Address]

  • The owner of the event can start the event, each round has a timeout period, in which players who do not move will be eliminated.
Round 0 (Landing):

Contract call: BR_choose_initial_zone [UniqueGameID,Address,Zone]

  • The player can "spawn" in, choosing a zone to initially be on, if it is in the constraints of the grid created.
Round 1+:

Contract call: BR_do_action [UniqueGameID,Address,Action,Direction]

A registered and not yet eliminated address may do one of the following recognized actions each round:

  • "Move","Hide","Loot".
    • If a player is hiding, they have the advantage, 60% chance to win.
    • If a player is looting, they can find untradeable in game items in their current zone, although this will yield a disadvantage, a 40% chance to win.
    • A player can move to a square, 40 % chance to win.
    • If percentages are the same, it will go to a 50-50 roll.
  • To encourage movement and unique gameplay, after round 4, every round a new side of the grid map will be randomly chosen to be destroyed. This event is notified and will be seen in game.
Finish Round:

Contract call: BR_finish_round [UniqueGameID]

  • This can be called by anyone and will resolve the round on the condition that; all the players have made an action for the round, or the round has timed out.
  • If the event is complete, being there is <= 1 player, the smart contract will automatically finish the event and give the prizes to the x amount players as specified in the creation stage.


The LOOT wallet is a tool used to securely store game assets. It provides the following functionality:

  • Secure offline wallet creation and saving which includes NEP-2 support.
  • Signing and sending transactions.
  • Claiming and redeeming generated GAS.
  • Address book.
  • Switch between mainnet/testnet/privatenet.
  • Viewing names, stats, descriptions and photos of any registered games marketplace assets.
  • Viewing prices and balances of system assets and NEP-5 tokens.
  • Tracking the 24 hour change of your balance and individual NEO assets.
  • Full interaction with the LOOT Marketplace framework, including trading, buying, selling, cancelling, and removing registered game assets.
  • Two currently registered titles, LootClicker and Project: MEYSA with more to be announced soon.
  • A network monitor for the framework in which all data is publicly queryable.





Download Links

Wallet release: TBA

  • Upon completion of code review by a NEO development group, the download links and source code will be MIT licensed and placed in this repository.

Framework & LootMarketsContract


  • We intially wanted to integrate digital assets into LootClicker and saw a potential for targeting a larger audience.
  • The problem we have noticed with some decentralized exchanges and NFT contracts is the speed at which transactions occur. This can be a major inconvenience on a players gaming experience and is the main reason we decided to build the Loot framework.
  • The main necessity of our smart contract is to act as the foundation of our framework, it allows completely decentralized ownership and the exchange of assets for a token pegged to a fiat value.
  • The utility NEP-5 token contract has been slightly edited to allow deposit/withdrawal in and out of the smart contract, so that funds can be managed by the framework. This functionality is currently built in to the wallet.
  • Transactions can be relayed by any party, upon mainnet release, this will be a completely open network where anyone can be rewarded for powering the network. The fees are payed out decidedly by publicly viewable algorithms converting gas costs to LOOT fees by several variables.
  • To add to further decentralization on this front-running incentivized network, the framework is currently being extended into many nodes which communicate to eachother to ensure no downtime.
  • In depth details are being documented in our whitepaper which will be released.
  • A marketplace defined in our smart contract is essentially a class of assets in the contract that address/addresses have exclusive ownership over. This means they are able to create and distribute assets to players of their game.
  • These distributed assets can then be bought, sold, traded and/or removed by a NEO address.
  • A marketplace can be created dynamically at any time by the contract owner, which will immediately give them exclusive asset rights over their named marketplace assets.
  • The economic value of these assets is decided upon by the community of an integrated title.
  • It is important to note however this does not allow the marketplace owner to take items from the player at any time or have any control of the players assets once given to them.
  • The way our framework functions, a marketplace owner must sign these transactions to let them occur such that everything is ordered correctly.
  • These orders get packaged into transactions by the framework and distributed to the network and end up being invoked inside the smart contract for final resolution.
    • While trading is active in the contract, they must have the final say in when a transaction is allowed to occur.
    • This is automatically done for the registered marketplace owner when a valid order is posted to /add_order/ through the API, on the condition they have signed the parameters with their private key, attaching this signature and their public key. We can quickly check if they are a marketplace owner by querying the smart contract.
  • As seen in the smart contract, we can verify parameters signed by private keys to ensure all parties involved in the transaction want an order to occur.
Unforseen Occurrence
  • It should be noted that in the case of an emergency, we have added methods to allow termination of trading, in which everyone will be able to use functions normally, verified by CheckWitness.
  • If a relayed transaction was ever to fail during the testing stages of development, our framework contains a quick emergency chain rebuilding method, picking out faulty transactions.
  • As orders are signed to exact parameters by a users private key, there is no possible way a user will ever lose their digital assets or tokens.
  • We have multiple measures in place to ensure a faulty transaction or bad actor transaction that is relayed is never sent to a NEO node.

Network Order Format

An order can be sent via a raw string in JSON format in the body of a POST request through the route /add_order/ to the public API with the following details of what order an address would like to place.

  • The API spec can be found at the bottom of this page.

NOTE: There is a 5 second timeout between orders for players to discourage spam before fees are introduced.

  "operation":       # The operation the maker of this order wants to perform. 
  "address":         # The address of the maker of the order.
  "taker_address":   # Optionally the address the maker of the order specifies.
  "tokens":          # How many tokens the originator is spending.
  "item_id":         # The id of the item the maker is performing the operation on. 
  "marketplace":     # Which marketplace this is occurring on.
  "signature":       # The signature of this signed order.
  "public_key":      # The public key of the maker.
  "salt":            # A unique GUID so that this order may only occur once.

Framework API Routes

POST /add_order/

  • Add an order to the framework, if in the proper format and allowed to occur these changes will be reflected immediately.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/add_order/

Request body:

  "operation": "buy_item",
  "address": "AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y",
  "taker_address": "",
  "tokens": 2,   
  "item_id": 101,         
  "marketplace": "LootClicker"  
  "signature": "8932a691788c2ac8489812a291523ad2ee878306a0f9dc15e676f7f3c01eff00f8a294ee6804f44a1c15e0762de128cdd2f60525f4e199c7e630732dbb7ef9ce"      
  "public_key":  "02c190a00cb234adf6763e5f6ac5a45cc0eaaf442f881f7e329359625dcc9bc671",
  "salt": "307128a7e69547a59cb7bc49a198759a"       

Response body:

    "result": True,
    "error_code": 0

GET /marketplaces/get

  • Query a list of registered games/marketplaces.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/marketplaces/get

Response body:

    "marketplaces": [

GET /market/get/[marketplace]

  • Query a list of items being sold on a marketplace.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/market/get/LootClicker

Response body:

    "marketplace": "LootClicker",
    "offers": [
        "{\"marketplace\": \"LootClicker\", \"offer_id\": \"07db509b3a1e4e0ab990519055328a1c\", \"address\": \"AdRpcifzm36LGRcVhfeC2YmsoPARNLTQ3j\", \"item_id\": 735, \"price\": 112345678, \"tag\": \"\", \"type\": \"Shotgun\", \"slug\": 2017, \"name\": \"TCR-37 Skyforged Cinder\", \"rarity\": 2, \"description\": \"A cruel looking design favoured by those who like to intimidate their comrades as well as their foes.\", \"misc\": \"20 DPC / 4.16 CD\\n-2 % DPS / 2 % IDLE / 2 % XP / 2 % Bounty\"}",
        "{\"marketplace\": \"LootClicker\", \"offer_id\": \"7378e1bbbf4749e5abf058bb1a922769\", \"address\": \"AdRpcifzm36LGRcVhfeC2YmsoPARNLTQ3j\", \"item_id\": 737, \"price\": 543520000000, \"tag\": \"\", \"type\": \"Pistol\", \"slug\": 2004, \"name\": \"R9-360 Atomic Prism\", \"rarity\": 4, \"description\": \"This laser hand-cannon has several aftermarket parts, cobbled together from all sorts of other models.\", \"misc\": \"18 DPC / .03 CD\\n-6 % DPS / 2 % IDLE / 2 % XP / 2 % Bounty\"}"

GET /market/get_offer/[offer_id]

  • Query a specific offer by its offer_id value.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/market/get/LootClicker

Response body:

    "offer": "{\"marketplace\": \"LootClicker\", \"offer_id\": \"07db509b3a1e4e0ab990519055328a1c\", \"address\": \"AdRpcifzm36LGRcVhfeC2YmsoPARNLTQ3j\", \"item_id\": 735, \"price\": 112345678, \"tag\": \"\", \"type\": \"Shotgun\", \"slug\": 2017, \"name\": \"TCR-37 Skyforged Cinder\", \"rarity\": 2, \"description\": \"A cruel looking design favoured by those who like to intimidate their comrades as well as their foes.\", \"misc\": \"20 DPC / 4.16 CD\\n-2 % DPS / 2 % IDLE / 2 % XP / 2 % Bounty\"}"

GET /inventory/[marketplace]/[address]

  • Query the inventory of an address on a specific marketplace.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/inventory/Project_MEYSA/AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr

Response body:

    "address": "AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr",
    "inventory": [

GET /item/[marketplace]/[id]

  • Query the details of an item on a specific marketplace with its id value.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/item/Project_MEYSA/100000

Response body:

    "id": 100000,
    "marketplace": "Project_MEYSA",
    "name": "SunSpring, the Fatherly",
    "description": "SunSpring is a hippie who truly believes he has “transcended” the island, becoming some kind of deity and that everyone on the island is his child.",
    "slug": 1,
    "type": "Skin",
    "misc": "",
    "rarity": 5

GET /history/address/[address]

  • Query the framework network history of an address.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/history/address/AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y

Response body:

    "address": "AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr",
    "history": [
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": null,\n    \"offer_id\": null,\n    \"operation\": \"cancel_offer\",\n    \"salt\": null,\n    \"slug\": -1,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112429.046384,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}",
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": null,\n    \"offer_id\": null,\n    \"operation\": \"put_offer\",\n    \"salt\": null,\n    \"slug\": -1,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112387.7050304,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}"

GET /history/marketplace/[marketplace]

  • Query the framework network history of marketplace.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/history/all/LootClicker

Response body:

Response body:

    "history": [
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": \"Penny\",\n    \"offer_id\": \"572ed69f4188468cab3c112e523ff8a0\",\n    \"operation\": \"cancel_offer\",\n    \"salt\": \"e6a6bde631974c8d84e0494c386cb541\",\n    \"slug\": 3,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112429.046384,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}",
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": \"Penny\",\n    \"offer_id\": null,\n    \"operation\": \"put_offer\",\n    \"salt\": \"572ed69f4188468cab3c112e523ff8a0\",\n    \"slug\": 3,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112387.7050304,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}"

GET /history/all/[number]

  • Query the complete marketplace history with the specified number of values being returned, ordered by the newest first.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/history/all/2

Response body:

    "history": [
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": \"Penny\",\n    \"offer_id\": \"572ed69f4188468cab3c112e523ff8a0\",\n    \"operation\": \"cancel_offer\",\n    \"salt\": \"e6a6bde631974c8d84e0494c386cb541\",\n    \"slug\": 3,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112429.046384,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}",
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_to\": \"\",\n    \"item_id\": 100004,\n    \"marketplace\": \"Project_MEYSA\",\n    \"name\": \"Penny\",\n    \"offer_id\": null,\n    \"operation\": \"put_offer\",\n    \"salt\": \"572ed69f4188468cab3c112e523ff8a0\",\n    \"slug\": 3,\n    \"timestamp\": 1534112387.7050304,\n    \"tokens\": 100000000000\n}"

GET /wallet/[address]

  • Query the amount of LOOT an address has deposited into the smart contract.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/wallet/AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr

Response body:

    "balance": 3300000000

GET /wallet/withdrawing/[address]

  • Query the amount of LOOT an address is currently withdrawing from the smart contract.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/wallet/withdrawing/AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr

Response body:

    "balance": 0

GET /network/information

  • Query any additional network information of the framework.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/network/information

Response body:

    "relayers": 1,
    "transactions_pending": 0,
    "payout_ratio": 0,
    "fee_ratio": 0

Utility Routes

POST /wallets/create

  • Create a NEP-2 key and address with the password specified in the request body.
  • Integrated titles can use this as a way to give a wallet to their players without needing any heavier frameworks involved.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/wallets/create

Request body:


Response body:

    "address": "AYjiaSfysSxsxATzH2gRiGWTvmLfmu65Us",
    "nep2_key": "6PYKNmC7Dzoq1JXVjjkrGzwdKS7N2U2vkKtP1G8rUXLHm4d16HQ1RAXMzN"

POST /send_raw_tx/

  • For convenience, post a raw transaction to the NEO node with the highest synced block height.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/send_raw_tx/

Request body:


Response body:

    "result": false

GET /get_node_height

  • Get the height of the blockchain this marketplace node is listening for events on.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/get_node_height

Response body:

    "height": "137116"

Decentralized Game Mode Routes

GET /battle_royale/logs

  • Query the log of all the smart contract events caught from Notify.
  • Games can query this to understand exactly what was resolved in the smart contract.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/battle_royale/logs

Response body:

    "logs": [
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AaeGQWooqqyTe65GGNcsEU9Nn7VArY64Ne\",\n    \"address_vs\": null,\n    \"event_code\": \"697\",\n    \"message\": 0,\n    \"result\": true,\n    \"round\": 0,\n    \"salt\": \"36ab7595059844c6a436c9260c6494af\",\n    \"type\": \"BR_sign_up\",\n    \"zone\": 0\n}",
        "{\n    \"address\": \"AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr\",\n    \"address_vs\": null,\n    \"event_code\": \"697\",\n    \"message\": 0,\n    \"result\": true,\n    \"round\": 0,\n    \"salt\": \"3f20ade7726148e98bdc828c21ba1210\",\n    \"type\": \"BR_create\",\n    \"zone\": 0\n}"

GET /battle_royale/leaderboard/[event_code]

  • Query the leaderboard of an event royale match.

Example: http://lootmarketplacenode.com:8090/battle_royale/leaderboard/697

Response body:

    "leaderboard": "["AaeGQWooqqyTe65GGNcsEU9Nn7VArY64Ne","AM1px3B3GWNP3sXZTdcHYhpKzDL8xrg3Mr"]"


Without the following this project would not be possible. We offer a sincere thank you and hope we will be able to give something back.

  • NEO
  • NGD
  • NEL
  • CoZ
  • NEO-python
  • NEO-lux
  • @metachris
  • @localhuman