
Fast Stroke Width Transform (SWT) algorithm for use in Python

Primary LanguageC

Fast Stroke Width Transform for Python

This repo contains wrapper for libccv's SWT algorithm for use in Python.

For more information, see my blog post: http://zablo.net/blog/post/stroke-width-transform-swt-python

How to:

  1. Checkout libccv (I've forked it at the time when I built this wrapper):

    git clone https://github.com/marrrcin/ccv.git
  2. Put ccvwrapper.* files from this repo into /lib folder of ccv

  3. Use the following script to build the wrapper:

    swig -python ccvwrapper.i
    gcc -fpic -c ccvwrapper.c ccvwrapper_wrap.c ccv_algebra.c ccv_basic.c ccv_cache.c ccv_classic.c ccv_io.c ccv_memory.c ccv_output.c ccv_resample.c ccv_sift.c ccv_swt.c ccv_transform.c ccv_util.c ./3rdparty/sha1/sha1.c -I/usr/include/python2.7
    ld -shared ccvwrapper.o ccvwrapper_wrap.o ccv_algebra.o ccv_basic.o ccv_cache.o ccv_classic.o ccv_io.o ccv_memory.o ccv_output.o ccv_resample.o ccv_sift.o ccv_swt.o ccv_transform.o ccv_util.o sha1.o -ljpeg -o _ccvwrapper.so
  4. Copy outputs of the build into your project

    cp ccvwrapper* ~/PycharmProjects/path_to_your_project
    cp _ccvwrapper* ~/PycharmProjects/path_to_your_project
  5. In Python just use:

    import ccvwrapper
    import numpy as np
    swt_result_raw = ccvwrapper.swt(open("test_input.jpg", "rb").read(), len(bytes), 1024, 1360)
    swt_result = np.reshape(swt_result_raw, (len(swt_result_raw) / 4, 4))
  6. Done!