
Demo project for interview process, showcase of my current knowledge regarding ASP .NET Core APIs, MediatR, Unit Testing etc.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

How to run this solution:

  1. Via dotnet run --project src/PrintCalculator.API/PrintCalculator.API.csproj in root folder for local testing purposes
  2. Via helm:
    • Navigate to the root folder (src, chart has to be visible)
    • docker build -f src/PrintCalculator.API/Dockerfile -t hhglobal-printcalculatork8s:v1 . to build the image
    • helm install hhglobal-print-calculator ./chart/
    • kubectl get all --selector app=PrintCalculator to verify that the pod is running
    • kubectl port-forward service/hhglobal-print-calculator-service 5265:8888 to redirect HTTP traffic to our pod
    • Run postman tests (can be found in assets folder)
    • helm uninstall hhglobal-print-calculator once you are done