
SX1301 stops receiving packets after a few minutes.

andypandy99 opened this issue · 6 comments


We have a Laird RG186-M2 with SX1301 attached to a linux pie.
We have over 50 of these out in the field and 1 of these units are hanging from time to time with a period of every 3-4 minute.
We receive no error what so ever when we continuously run "lgw_receive()" and the module responds with 0 packets and NO error.
Within these 3-4 minutes we get packets as usual.
No faulty packets or anything is reported so we have nothing to go on...
The concentrator stucks in this mode and only a reset seems to get it online again.

We have switched concentrators from working sites that has been working nonstop over 1 year and these concentrators also hangs at this site.
We also placed the concentrator at another site and it is not hanging there.
We strongly believe that some other radio-system is blocking or hanging our concentrator but has no control over this hardware.
At the site, there is a system called Minola but i dont think that system uses LoRa, however it might be using the 868MHz band.

One thing we have noticed after hours of searching is that the SX1301-register "LGW_MODEM_STATUS" (#define LGW_MODEM_STATUS 274) is switching from 0 to 1 when it locks up. We can read all the registers so the SPI seems to work.
We have no idea what this register means but the only thing that makes the module work again is to reset the module by hardware-reset.
We do this by a reset-pin on the RG186-M2.

How can the module just stop receiving packets?
What is the modem-status-register indicating?
Can we increase any buffers or anything so the SX1301 does not hang.
Area there others out there who has experienced this before?


So far, we only have seen a similar issue under very high traffic load, with long payload, while running performances testing.
But this should never occur in a normal usage case.

The modem status register is just a debug register indicating that the modem_0 of the sx1302 has detected a LoRa signal.
When the problem occurs, you say that the LGW_MODEM_STATUS register is switching from 0 to 1.
Does it switch back to 0 or does it keep being set to 1 until you reset ?
There is no buffer to be increased.
But it is interesting to understand the environment in which it happens, as you say that it is site dependant.
Would it be possible for you to make a spectral scan on this site ?
How is the LoRa traffic on this site ? Is it particularly heavy ?

Also, when the problem occurs, could you read the register LGW_DATA_MGMT_STATUS ?
◦ bit LSB+0: indicates if the buffer memory is full
◦ bit LSB+1: indicates if an override of the FIFO has been detected
◦ bit LSB+2: indicates if an overflow of the FIFO has been detected
◦ bit LSB+3: indicates if the buffer memory is not empty

Best regards,

Hi Andreas,

You can give a try to the attached test patch to see if you encounter a FIFO lock issue.
What it does is, it checks on the LGW_DATA_MGMT_STATUS register, and uses a trick to free the modem without resetting the board by making LoRa packet undetectable for a moment, with the
LGW_CORR_NUM_SAME_PEAK setting. The get back to the default setting when it is unlocked.


Best regards,

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