A LoRa packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a LoRa gateway that forwards RF packets receive by the concentrator to a server through a IP/UDP link, and emits RF packets that are sent by the server. This project is associated to the lora_gateway repository for SX1301 chip. For SX1302/1303, the repository sx1302_hal must be used.
- albtrentadueModena, Italy
- arsoft
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- Brian999DARTZON
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- callbayshenzhen, China
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- elixxBodymore, Murdaland
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- golf2109Home
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- pauldengGallagher eShepherd
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- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development
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- uretgecIzmir, Turkey
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- x893Internet
- yldzmuhammedKodar Bilişim
- ysoyipek@iora-tech