Ruby version 2.4.10
System dependencies
bundle install
Database creation
rake db:create
Database initialization
rake db:setup
How to run the test suite
rake test
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
I18n updates
Find out which translation keys are missing
I18n-tasks missing
Add the missing translation keys
I18n-tasks add-mising
Find out which translation keys are unused
I18n-tasks unused
The AdminUser is used for access to ActiveAdmin. To create the first one:
- start a console:
bundle exec rails c
- create the AdminUser:
AdminUser.create(email: '', password: 'password')
The User is used for the application itself. To create the first one:
- start a console:
bundle exec rails c
- create the AdminUser:
user = User.create(email: '', password: 'password', confirmed_at:
- apply the
role to the newly created user:user.add_role(:admin)