
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Semi-dead, though the dream is still alive! Expect very slow progress with occasional small additions.

Current to-do (loosely sorted by which are likely first):

  • 1: Rework all existing ships to something that actually looks decent; see new Guardian and Warrior models.
  • 2: Replace more placeholder outfits with my own (stealing effects and sounds for placeholder though).
  • 3: Improve the map more (add more commodities, planets, descriptions etc. to make it feel more alive).
  • 4: Add some basic jobs to give stuff to do.
  • 5: More ships!
  • 6: Some basic intro missions to give some lore to the player about what this strange alien civilisation is about.

Note: Some reasonably-solid lore points already exist, though with some story missions and descriptions more details will be made and revealed.