
Jbro129's Old PG3D Launcher/ CodeInjection App

Primary LanguageC#


For PG3D v15.3.0

Important Files

These are some files in this project that you should check out.

PG3D Files : Unmodified APK and libil2cpp.so dump

MainActivity.java : The main activities code.

Loader.java : The mod/injection code.

FloatingActivity.java : The floating window.

Some code has been removed for security purposes.

The offsets and code provided within this repository were published for educational purposes. I wanted to contribute some of my modding knowledge to the modding community. No better way to do that than make my old launcher open source. This isn't a tutorial. This is me showing how I managed to create my mod menu launcher so that anyone interested could use the code and/or techniques shared to create something themselves.

This project is for the old PG3D version 15.3.0. The offsets and code provided will not work on any other version.

The PG3D Launcher has been discontinued and is longer being maintained.