Hello! This is my first tool so please go easy on me.
This tool can convert Super Mario Galaxy .bmg / .tbl files to .xml and back to .bmg / .tbl! The .tbl will be sorted as well so no need to worry about that. It also converts flows from the .bmg to .xml and back to .bmg. Tomato supports both big and little endian so both the original Wii version as well as the Super Mario 3D All-Stars version are compatible.
Please report bugs and other issues!
To convert from .bmg / .tbl to .xml use:
Tomato -bmg2xml -bmg <BMGInputFile> -tbl <TBLInputFile> [-xml <XMLOutputFile>]
or to convert from .xml to .bmg / .tbl use:
Tomato -xml2bmg -xml <XMLInputFile> [-bmg <BMGOutputFile>] [-tbl <TBLOutputFile>] [-le (output little endian)]
Arguments in square brackets are optional. The order of arguments does not matter.
Tomato does not support the japanese and korean language because of UTF-16 encoded text.
To-do: document Message Info.
To-do: document Message Tags.
To-do: document Flow Tags.
Tomato also accepts numbers instead of the tag names it uses when converting from or to .bmg.