
Miscellaneous standalone NWN tools

Primary LanguageC++


Miscellaneous standalone NWN tools


A tool for displaying and generating LTR files - used for the game random name generator.

  • Generate random names from .ltr files like the game does
  • Print .ltr file Markov chain tables in a human readable format
  • Build a new .ltr file from a set of names


A tool to decode crash logs (.log) or similar stack traces from nwserver (windows or linux).

Can be fed either a nwserver-crash-xxxxxxxxx.log file, or raw offsets. Uses NWNX API Functions{Linux,Windows}.hpp to decode the offsets.

NWNX Server setup

Instructions on how to setup a NWNX server and a collection of useful scripts to run/maintain it:

  • mod-start.sh - starts the server unless already running
  • mod-stop.sh - kills the server
  • mod-disable.sh - disables server auto restart
  • mod-enable.sh - enables server auto restart
  • mod-savechars.sh - saves servervault/ to git
  • mod-status.sh - returns 1 if server is running, 0 if not