
This is an empty repository with only a README.md file to describe what is needed.

Primary LanguageDart

Run Applications

  • Express Node JS server

  • cd into expressserver directory

  • run "npm install" to install dependencies

  • run npm start to start server

  • Flutter application

  • cd into weighttracker_flutter

  • run "dart pub get" to install dependencies

  • run "flutter run" to start flutter application

Project Structure

  1. Back-end : Server created using MEN (Mongo DB, Express and Node JS)
  2. Front-end : UI Application using Flutter (Web/Mobile)

1. Back-end : Server

Packages Used

  • bcryptjs : Encrypt password
  • express : Provide server-side logic for web and mobile applications
  • express-unless : Conditionally skip a middleware when a condition is met
  • jsonwebtoken : To share security information between two parties — a client and a server
  • mongoose : Provide schema validation and translate between objects in code and the representation of those objects in MongoDB
  • mongoose-unique-validator : Error handling
  • nodemon : Automatically restart the node application when file changes in the directory are detected


  • Database config files for db url and secret keys


  • Used for the business layer


  • auth.js will be used with JWT for authentication
  • errors.js will be used to handle errors


  • Used for routing


  • Used for handling database making use of the business logic

2. Front-end : Flutter UI

Packages Used