
Arch linux laptop dotfiles save

Primary LanguagePerl

Shortcut Cheat Sheet


ModShiftA : Close current application

ModShiftE : Log out of I3

ModL : Calls ilock

ModShiftR : Reload I3

ModR : Resize tile

ModH : Split horizontaly

ModV : Split verticaly

ModF : Fullscreen tile

ModE : Tile layout

ModS : Stacked layout

ModZ : Tabbed layout

ModENTER : Open a terminal

ModShiftF : Open firefox

ModShiftH : Open Thunar

ModShiftS : Dmenu SSH

ModD : Dmenu


C-p : Previous line

C-n : Next line

C-b : Back a caracter

C-f : Forward a caracter

M-b : Back a word

M-f : Forward a word

C-a : Line begin

C-e : Line end

M-a : Sentence begin

M-e : Sentence end

C-v : Next screen

M-v : Previous screen

C-< : Top of the file

C-> : Bottom of the file

C-l : Center screen to cursor

C-= : Expand region

C-SPC : Start a selection

C-uNUMBER : Repeat next shortcut NUMBER times

C-g : Cancel action

C-xC-f : Find File

C-xC-k : Kill buffer

C-xC-s : Save file

C-xC-b : Show open buffer list

C-xb : Quick buffer switch

C-xo : Change active window

C-x(1-2-3-4) : Open or close windows

C-s : Search after cursor

C-r : Search before cursor

C-_ : Undo

M-DEL : Delete the word before the cursor

M-d : Delete the word after the cursor

C-k : Delete from the cursor to the end of the line

M-k : Delete to the end of the sentence

C-w : Delete selection

C-ht : Tutorial

C-hi : Manual

Ctrl Shift . : Create another cursor

C-xC-c : Quit Emacs


m : Mark

u : Unmark

S-u : Unmark all files

t : Mark/unmark all

*/ : Mark all directories

S-a : Search for RegExp

! : Shell on mark

d : Delete

x : Execute

+ : Create new directory

g : Refresh content

S-c : Copy file

r : Rename