This repository was created to cover c programming concept practiucal task,to acertain and enhance ground understanding of the programming language created by Ritchie.


  • I will be using vi,emacs and vim just to ensure am okay with either.
  • All files will be compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc, using the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
  • All files end with a new line
  • Have included a README.md file at the root of the repo,containing a description of the repo
  • Included a README.md file at the root of the folder of this project, containing a description of the project
  • No errors nor warning should popup when compiled.
  • My code will use Betty style.It will be checked using betty-style.pl and betty-doc.pl



To run betty linter with command betty <filename> :

  • Go to the Betty repository
  • Clone the repo to local machine.
  • cd into Betty directory
  • install the linter with sudo ./install.sh
  • copy the script below into editor;
# Simply a wrapper script to keep you from having to use betty-style
# and betty-doc separately on every item.
# Originally by Tim Britton (@wintermanc3r), multiargument added by
# Larry Madeo (@hillmonkey)


if [ "$#" = "0" ]; then
    echo "No arguments passed."
    exit 1

for argument in "$@" ; do
    echo -e "\n========== $argument =========="
    ${BIN_PATH}/${BETTY_STYLE} "$argument"
    ${BIN_PATH}/${BETTY_DOC} "$argument"
  • Once saved, exit file and change permissions to apply to all users with chmod a+x betty
  • Move the betty file into /bin/ directory or somewhere else in your $PATH with sudo mv betty /bin/

you can now type betty <filename> to run the Betty linter

This are the file in the repo

  1. 0x00-hello_world
  2. 0x01-variables_if_else_while
  3. 0x02-functions_nested_loops
  4. 0x03-debugging
  5. 0x04-more_functions_nested_loops
  6. 0x05-pointers_arrays_strings
  7. 0x06-pointers_arrays_strings

More is to be expected with time.