
This is StargateTech2's website repository... There's not much to see here, but you may be able to learn something or other :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Important notes for contributors

  1. You're free to pull code from wherever you want in this repo, but no Pull Requests will be accepted into the Master branch. It is automatically pulled into the live http server and we don't want people randomly borking it.

  2. After making changes, you need to re-run "./rebuild.php", so that the cached HTML is refreshed and you can see the changes.

  3. Everyone would appreciate if you didn't make big changes without consulting first (like adding a freaking auth system!). Such things will probably be denied instantly in the future, the website is secure enough, thank you very much.

Stuff that needs to be added to the wiki:

  • Blocks
    • Shield Controller
    • Shield Emitter
    • Particle Ionizer
    • Transport Ring
    • Naquadah Ore
    • Lantean Wall
    • Naquadah Rail
    • Stargate
    • Abstract Bus Cable
    • Abstract Bus Adapter
  • Items
    • Naquadah Ingot
    • Naquadah Dust
    • Naquadah Plate
    • Magnetic Induction Coil
    • Matter Conductance Coil
    • Circuit Crystal
    • Personal Shield
    • Tablet PC
  • Resources
    • Power
    • Ionized Particles
  • Mechanics
    • World Generation
    • Abstract Bus
    • Lazy Intercom Protocol (LIP)
  • Tutorials
  • Misc
    • Home
    • Downloads
    • Changelog

Features Still Missing (Blocks & Items):

  • Recipes
  • Interfaces
  • Abstract Bus LIP Commands
  • Image Gallery (actually spans more than just Blocks & Items)
  • Lore & Canon Fitness (also spans more ^ )