FastAPI with elasticsearch on docker container

This repo contains demo code that tell you how we can use fastapi with docker and connected with elasticsearch(As a database).

Tech stack:




Steps to run

  1. Pull code or download the code(It is public repo)

  2. If you have docker on your system then just run single command

    docker-compose up --build

Note- Be ensure you are in directory where Dockerfile and yml is there.

Api endpoints for trade

  1. Get trade based on trade id

    URL- http://{IP}:8001/trade/{trade_id}

    Method- GET

    eg: trade_id = 332

  2. Get list of trades

    URL- http://{IP}:8001/trade/?page=1

    Method- GET

  3. Search on many fields (As mentioned in Assgnment)

    URL- http://{IP}:8001/trade/?keyword=Banglore&page=1

    Method- GET

  4. Filter

    http://{IP}:8001/trade/?page=1&start=2015-02-11 00:00:00&end=2016-02-11 01:12:00

Note- Please change IP(In app/ assigned to elastisearch container in your machine.