
This repo helps us sharpen our algorithms and problem-solving skills with the minimum time required. You need to have a basic understanding of common data-structures like Array, LinkedList, HashMap, Stack, Queue, Heap, and Graph. And you should also be familiar with Recursion and Big-O.

Primary LanguageHTML



  1. Sliding Window
  2. Two Pointers
  3. Fast — Slow pointers
  4. Merge Intervals
  5. Cyclic Sort
  6. In-place Reversal of a LinkedList
  7. Tree Breadth First Search
  8. Tree Depth First Search
  9. Two Heaps
  10. Subsets
  11. Modified Binary Search
  12. Bitwise XOR
  13. Top K Elements
  14. K-way merge
  15. 0 or 1 Knapsack (Dynamic Programming)
  16. Topological Sort (Graph)
  17. Others

With the above Repo at hand, you can either use LeetCode or any IDE or terminal to practice these questions.


For first time programmers:

Think and look for insights online for the first 30 minutes, if it still does not work. Check my solutions! Don’t be ashamed and don’t waste time on thinking too much like I used to.

For proficient programmers:

Always think and try for around 10–15 min, if not working check my solutions.

Time your coding durations, make sure easy and medium questions don’t pass 20 min and hard 35 min.
