
Technial interview task for bloomreach

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bloomreach Exponea API challenge

Getting started

There are three ways to run the app:

To run it from the source code:

  • Clone the repository to a local machine
  • From ./bloomreach_interview/api directory
  • execute pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run main.py or execute uvicorn main:app

To run it with docker:

  • Clone the repository to a local machine
  • From ./bloomreach_interview/api directory
  • Execute commands:
  • docker build -t bloomreach_api .
  • docker run -p 8000:8000 --name bloomreach_api bloomreach_api

To run it with docker compose:

This will also start Prometheus and Grafana services

  • Clone the repository to a local machine
  • Execute command:
  • docker-compose up

Fetching the API

Send an HTTP GET request to endpoint

  • For accessing OpenApi documentation: localhost:8000/
  • JSON OpenApi endpoint: localhost:8000/openapi.json
  • FastAPI metrics endpoint: localhost:8000/metrics
  • Prometheus endpoint: localhost:9090
  • Grafana Endpoint: localhost:3000


  • To configure the server check the docker-compose.yml file and set the environmental variables to your liking. If you don't want to use docker compose, you can change the default variables in the config.py directly
  • To configure Grafana credentials check env.example file and rename it to env. You can also modify dashboard with dashbords/fastapi-dashboard.json
  • To configure Prometheus check datasource.yml

Additional Information


There is a script for creating ec2 t2.micro server on AWS, and installing all the packages needed to run this app with docker-compose. All the commands for executing this are listed below:

terraform init

terraform validate

terraform plan

terraform apply

Responsible file - init.tf, and instructions.sh for bash initialization script

Technologies used

  • Python 3.10
  • FastAPI framework
  • Various libraries for python: httpx, asyncio, pytest, prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator, uvicorn
  • Prometheus image for monitoring the system
  • Grafana for analytics and dashboards
  • Terraform for quicker deployment on dev servers in the cloud
  • Docker with docker-compose plugin for containerization and deployment
  • GitHub as repository host


Logs can be checked in the shell where you ran the app, or in api.log file with better formatting.

To set log-level check LOGLEVEL variable in config.py file.


Check the report directory, I hope it's self explanatory.

Testing was done using jMeter with plugins for Transactions per Second and Requests per Second metrics.

I regret not having more time to add unit and integration testing for the project. I would have added various tests covering smart endpoint and it's behaviour in different circumstances, such as low/high timeout parameter values, simulating low system resources avaliability, etc.

For proteching the server from being overloaded: Cloudflare or similar DDos mitigation software, and adding horizontal scalability with LoadBalancing.