
ButchBot is a GO discord bot project that uses arikawa and godesu.

Primary LanguageGo

What is this?

This is nothing more then a project for me to get good at golang.


  • Pure Go: I want this bot to be pure go. Every package and library used must be pure go as well. No outsourcing things to the ffmpeg command, using os/exec to run youtube-dl. No. Pure go API and implementation. Treason is currently being committed against this goal.

  • Improvement in style: There is no style for this project, and for good reason. I'm using this project to force myself to learn/write lots of packages and learn how to interact with and understand a API, etc, which will show me a lot of different style. Right now I like diamond's though.

What does the bot do

Butch has modules. basic the basic things - help - prefix: profile Get to know those in your server - profile - profiles: appoint Setup appointments - newbool - removebool - rsvp - editbool - pickedup - bool - bools. - treason Music Player - treason - kill - play - skip - queue

Whats up with butch?

Butchbot has been moved to arikawa/v2, much more development is gonna happen tonight, but I gotta push this one.

#FQA - Frequently Questioned Answers

  • Why does this use arikawa and not discordgo or disgord?

    • Because arikawa is a lot simpler, more elegant, and just generally a better structured api.

  • Why do you use your fork of godesu instead of the original godesu?

    • There are a few problems that need to be fixed, and some improvements that I'm planning on implementing into my fork. At some point it will become it's own project, seperate from the original. But until I have time to develope my own, I'll just use this simple fork.