
Umarema is a conlang and occupational therapy of and for us and you.

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1



Umarema is a conlang and occupational therapy of and for us and you.

It is currently inspired mainly by Japanese and a few germanic languages.

Its primary contributors are a guy who studies computer languages and a guy who studies natural languages. They also have ambitions for creating a writing system made specifically for Umarema, but right now, if you want to write in Umarema, you can use the following transcription conventions:

m = /m/ as in man
tfh = /θ/ voiceless th, as in think
tvh = /ð/ voiced th, as in they
p = /r/ Italian or Irish r as in ravioli
r = /ʁ/ German r as in Rolladen
t = /t/ as in tap
d = /d/ as in dot
s = /s/ as in snake
sh = /ʃ/ as in show
zh = /ʒ/ as in measure
ts = /t͡s/ as in zits x = /ç/ or /x/ German ch as in Ich and/or Ach
w = /w/ as in RP What
_ or q = /ʔ/ glottal stop, as in some British accents, where t's are "ommited" as in bu**'er instead of butt**er
i = /i/
a = /ʌ/
o = /o/
u = /u/
ù = /ɯ/
ü = /y/
ö = /œ/
e = /ɛ/

Legend: character = pronunciation

Head over to the Phonology folder for more details.

At the moment, Umarema doesn't have a lot of words, or even a proper, fixed syntax, but ideas for new vocabulary or anything else are always welcome.