
Implementation of Dave Ackley's artificial life demo in zig

Primary LanguageC++

Artificial life playground

This is a reproduction of the demo presented by Dave Ackley:

NMCS4ALL: Artificial Life (full version)


  • ✅ Discover the zig programming language
  • ✅ Implement a more performant version of Dave Ackley's demo


  • ✅ Efficient sprite renderer (1M+ at 144+Hz)
  • ✅ Dear ImGui integration
  • ✅ Camera controls
  • ✅ "Lifeform" logic
  • ✅ Export to image
  • Mutating herbivore logic


Video demonstrating plants, zaps and herbivores:

ALP 1: Plants and herbivores

After implementing mutating plants I discovered I accidently made some kind of art generator, here are some results:

Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4