
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

BookBrainz data visualizations

Setup instructions:

NOTE: You do not need to do this to just see the visualizations. Downloading bbviz.html and opening it in your favorite web browser will show cached visualizations that I made from the latest dump (latest.tar). An even easier way is to just use RawGit.

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/naiveaiguy/bookbrainz-viz.git

  2. If you have anaconda/virtualenv installed, create a new environment for this.

  3. Install Jupyter Notebook if not present already.

  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt.

  5. Create a new account on plot.ly, then visit this page and use the username & API key from there to run this (in a Python REPL or in a script - you only need to do this once)

    import plotly
    plotly.tools.set_credentials_file(username=YOUR_USERNAME, api_key=YOUR_API_KEY)
  6. Make sure you have a PostgreSQL database running on with username postgres and password admin. Or, change the environment variables BBVIZ_HOST, BBVIZ_PORT, BBVIZ_USER and BBVIZ_PASSWORD to your values.

  7. Run jupyter notebook bbviz.ipynb.

  8. PROFIT!