
A variant of benchmarksql 4.1 . Works well with MySQL and MyCat.

Primary LanguageJava


This variant is forked from a modified version of benchmarksql(4.1).

What is this

Compare to the original , we works on objectss belows:

  1. Add support for MySQL protocol

  2. Replace complex statements( i.e. JOIN ) with simple CRUD statement so that a MyCat with weak parser and optimizer can be the backend of the benchmark

  3. Some little optimize or even refactor

How-to run

Please refer to the HOW-TO-RUN.txt.

Special thanks

jTPCC A Java-based implementation of TPC-C. Everything starts from here

benchmarksql A successor of jTPCC with a really good arhitecture. We folked our project from this.

MyCat A Java-based mysql protocol router.

Contributors ( alphabetic order )

  • Hailong Li
  • Weihua Peng
  • Yue Zhong(John)