
Add swagger compliant documentation to your grape API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status Code Climate

Table of Contents
## What is grape-swagger?

The grape-swagger gem provides an autogenerated documentation for your Grape API. The generated documentation is Swagger-compliant, meaning it can easily be discovered in Swagger UI. You should be able to point the petstore demo to your API.

Demo Screenshot

These screenshot is based on the Hussars sample app.

## Related Projects ## Compatibility

The following versions of grape, grape-entity and grape-swagger can currently be used together.

grape-swagger swagger spec grape grape-entity representable
0.10.5 1.2 >= 0.10.0 ... <= 0.14.0 < 0.5.0 n/a
0.11.0 1.2 >= 0.16.2 < 0.5.0 n/a
0.20.1 2.0 >= 0.12.0 ... <= 0.14.0 <= 0.5.1 n/a
0.20.3 2.0 >= 0.12.0 ... ~> 0.16.2 ~> 0.5.1 n/a
0.20.4 2.0 >= 0.12.0 ... <= 0.16.2 <= 0.5.1 >= 2.4.1
0.20.5 (next) 2.0 >= 0.12.0 ... <= 0.16.2 <= 0.5.1 >= 2.4.1
## Swagger-Spec

Grape-swagger generates documentation per Swagger / OpenAPI Spec 2.0.

## Installation

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'grape-swagger'

Please see UPGRADING when upgrading from a previous version.

## Usage

Mount all your different APIs (with Grape::API superclass) on a root node. In the root class definition, include add_swagger_documentation, this sets up the system and registers the documentation on '/swagger_doc'. See example/config.ru for a simple demo.

require 'grape-swagger'

module API
  class Root < Grape::API
    format :json
    mount API::Cats
    mount API::Dogs
    mount API::Pirates

To explore your API, either download Swagger UI and set it up yourself or go to the online swagger demo and enter your localhost url documentation root in the url field (probably something in the line of http://localhost:3000/swagger_doc).

## Model Parsers

Since 0.20.4, Grape::Entity is not a part of grape-swagger, you need to add grape-swagger-entity manually to your Gemfile. Also added support for representable via grape-swagger-representable.

# For Grape::Entity ( https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity )
gem 'grape-swagger-entity'
# For representable ( https://github.com/apotonick/representable )
gem 'grape-swagger-representable'

If you are not using Rails, make sure to load the parser inside your application initialization logic, e.g., via require 'grape-swagger/entity' or require 'grape-swagger/representable.

Custom Model Parsers

You can create your own model parser, for example for roar.

module GrapeSwagger
  module Roar
    class Parser
      attr_reader :model
      attr_reader :endpoint

      def initialize(model, endpoint)
        @model = model
        @endpoint = endpoint

      def call
        # Parse your model and return hash with model schema for swagger

Then you should register your custom parser.

GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.register(GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, Roar::Decorator)

To control model parsers sequence, you can insert your parser before or after another parser.


GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.insert_before(GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser, GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, Roar::Decorator)


GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.insert_after(GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser, Representable::Decorator)

As we know, Roar::Decorator uses as superclass Representable::Decorator, this allow to avoid problem when Roar objects will be processed by GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser, instead GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser.


If you use the online demo, make sure your API supports foreign requests by enabling CORS in Grape, otherwise you'll see the API description, but requests on the API won't return. Use rack-cors to enable CORS.

require 'rack/cors'
use Rack::Cors do
  allow do
    origins '*'
    resource '*', headers: :any, methods: [ :get, :post, :put, :delete, :options ]

Alternatively you can set CORS headers in a Grape `before` block.

before do
  header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
  header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
## Configure

You can pass a hash with optional configuration settings to add_swagger_documentation.

not all configuration options supported yet, but is WIP

The host and base_path options also accept a proc or lambda to evaluate, which is passed a request object:

add_swagger_documentation \
  base_path: proc { |request| request.host =~ /^example/ ? '/api-example' : '/api' }
#### host: Sets explicit the `host`, default would be taken from `request`. ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ host: 'www.example.com' ``` #### base_path: Base path of the API that's being exposed, default would be taken from `request`. ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ base_path: '/super/api' ```

host and base_path are also accepting a proc or lambda

#### mount_path: The path where the API documentation is loaded, default is: `/swagger_doc`. ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ mount_path: '/docu' ```

Add basePath key to the documented path keys, default is: false.

add_swagger_documentation \
   add_base_path: true


Add version key to the documented path keys, default is: true, here the version is the API version, specified by grape in path

add_swagger_documentation \
   add_version: false
#### doc_version: Specify the version of the documentation at [info section](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#info-object), default is: `'0.0.1'` ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ doc_version: '0.0.1' ``` #### markdown: Allow markdown in `detail`, default is `false`. (disabled) See [below](#md_usage) for details.
add_swagger_documentation \
  markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::KramdownAdapter.new

or alternative

add_swagger_documentation \
  markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::RedcarpetAdapter.new

This value is added to the authorizations key in the JSON documentation.

#### models: A list of entities to document. Combine with the [grape-entity](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity) gem.

These would be added to the definitions section of the swagger file.

add_swagger_documentation \
   models: [
#### hide_documentation_path: (default: `true`) ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ hide_documentation_path: true ```

Don't show the /swagger_doc path in the generated swagger documentation.

#### info: ```ruby add_swagger_documentation \ info: { title: "The API title to be displayed on the API homepage.", description: "A description of the API.", contact_name: "Contact name", contact_email: "Contact@email.com", contact_url: "Contact URL", license: "The name of the license.", license_url: "www.The-URL-of-the-license.org", terms_of_service_url: "www.The-URL-of-the-terms-and-service.com", } ```

A hash merged into the info key of the JSON documentation.

## Routes Configuration #### Swagger Header Parameters

Swagger also supports the documentation of parameters passed in the header. Since grape's params[] doesn't return header parameters we can specify header parameters seperately in a block after the description.

desc "Return super-secret information", {
  headers: {
    "XAuthToken" => {
      description: "Valdates your identity",
      required: true
    "XOptionalHeader" => {
      description: "Not really needed",
      required: false
#### Hiding an Endpoint

You can hide an endpoint by adding hidden: true in the description of the endpoint:

desc 'Hide this endpoint', hidden: true

Endpoints can be conditionally hidden by providing a callable object such as a lambda which evaluates to the desired state:

desc 'Conditionally hide this endpoint', hidden: lambda { ENV['EXPERIMENTAL'] != 'true' }

You can specify a swagger nickname to use instead of the auto generated name by adding `:nickname 'string'``` in the description of the endpoint.

desc 'Get a full list of pets', nickname: 'getAllPets'
#### Defining an endpoint as array

You can define an endpoint as array by adding is_array in the description:

desc 'Get a full list of pets', is_array: true
#### Using an options hash

The Grape DSL supports either an options hash or a restricted block to pass settings. Passing the nickname, hidden and is_array options together with response codes is only possible when passing an options hash. Since the syntax differs you'll need to adjust it accordingly:

desc 'Get all kittens!', {
  hidden: true,
  is_array: true,
  nickname: 'getKittens',
  entity: Entities::Kitten, # or success
  http_codes: [[401, 'KittenBitesError', Entities::BadKitten]] # or failure
  # also explicit as hash: [{ code: 401, mssage: 'KittenBitesError', model: Entities::BadKitten }]
  produces: [ "array", "of", "mime_types" ],
  consumes: [ "array", "of", "mime_types" ]
get '/kittens' do
#### Specify endpoint details

To specify further details for an endpoint, use the detail option within a block passed to desc:

desc 'Get all kittens!' do
  detail 'this will expose all the kittens'
get '/kittens' do

You can override paramType in POST|PUT methods to query, using the documentation hash.

params do
  requires :action, type: Symbol, values: [:PAUSE, :RESUME, :STOP], documentation: { param_type: 'query' }
post :act do

Overriding the route summary

By default, the route summary is filled with the value supplied to desc.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'This will be your summary'
  get :order_id do

To override the summary, add summary: '[string]' after the description.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'This will be your summary',
    summary: 'Now this is your summary!'
  get :order_id do

Expose nested namespace as standalone route

Use the nested: false property in the swagger option to make nested namespaces appear as standalone resources. This option can help to structure and keep the swagger schema simple.

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false } do
  get :order_id do

All routes that belong to this namespace (here: the GET /order_id) will then be assigned to the store_order route instead of the store resource route.

It is also possible to expose a namespace within another already exposed namespace:

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false } do
  get :order_id do
  namespace 'actions', desc: 'Order actions' do, nested: false
    get 'evaluate' do

Here, the GET /order_id appears as operation of the store_order resource and the GET /evaluate as operation of the store_orders_actions route.

With a custom name

Auto generated names for the standalone version of complex nested resource do not have a nice look. You can set a custom name with the name property inside the swagger option, but only if the namespace gets exposed as standalone route. The name should not contain whitespaces or any other special characters due to further issues within swagger-ui.

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false, name: 'Store-orders' } do
  get :order_id do
## Additional documentation

Setting a Swagger defaultValue

Grape allows for an additional documentation hash to be passed to a parameter.

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Coffee ID'
  requires :temperature, type: Integer, desc: 'Temperature of the coffee in celcius', documentation: { default: 72 }

The example parameter will populate the Swagger UI with the example value, and can be used for optional or required parameters.

Grape uses the option default to set a default value for optional parameters. This is different in that Grape will set your parameter to the provided default if the parameter is omitted, whereas the example value above will only set the value in the UI itself. This will set the Swagger defaultValue to the provided value. Note that the example value will override the Grape default value.

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Coffee ID'
  optional :temperature, type: Integer, desc: 'Temperature of the coffee in celcius', default: 72

Grape Entities

Add the grape-entity gem to your Gemfile.

The following example exposes statuses. And exposes statuses documentation adding :type and :desc.

module API
  module Entities
    class Status < Grape::Entity
      expose :text, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Status update text.' }
      expose :links, using: Link, documentation: { type: 'link', is_array: true }
      expose :numbers, documentation: { type: 'integer', desc: 'favourite number', values: [1,2,3,4] }

    class Link < Grape::Entity
      expose :href, documentation: { type: 'url' }
      expose :rel, documentation: { type: 'string'}

  class Statuses < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Statuses index',
      entity: API::Entities::Status
    get '/statuses' do
      statuses = Status.all
      type = current_user.admin? ? :full : :default
      present statuses, with: API::Entities::Status, type: type

    desc 'Creates a new status',
      entity: API::Entities::Status,
      params: API::Entities::Status.documentation
    post '/statuses' do


You may safely omit type from relationships, as it can be inferred. However, if you need to specify or override it, use the full name of the class leaving out any modules named Entities or Entity.

module API
  module Entities
    class Client < Grape::Entity
      expose :name, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Name' }
      expose :addresses, using: Entities::Address,
        documentation: { type: 'API::Address', desc: 'Addresses.', param_type: 'body', is_array: true }

    class Address < Grape::Entity
      expose :street, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Street.' }

  class Clients < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Clients index', params: Entities::Client.documentation
    get '/clients' do

  add_swagger_documentation models: [Entities::Client, Entities::Address]

Note: is_array is false by default.

module API
  module Entities
    class Client < Grape::Entity
      expose :name, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Name' }
      expose :address, using: Entities::Address,
        documentation: { type: 'API::Address', desc: 'Addresses.', param_type: 'body', is_array: false }

    class Address < Grape::Entity
      expose :street, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Street' }

  class Clients < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Clients index', params: Entities::Client.documentation
    get '/clients' do

  add_swagger_documentation models: [Entities::Client, Entities::Address]
### Markdown in Detail

The grape-swagger gem allows you to add an explanation in markdown in the detail field. Which would result in proper formatted markdown in Swagger UI. Grape-swagger uses adapters for several markdown formatters. It includes adapters for kramdown (kramdown syntax) and redcarpet. The adapters are packed in the GrapeSwagger::Markdown modules. We do not include the markdown gems in our gemfile, so be sure to include or install the depended gems.

To use it, add a new instance of the adapter to the markdown options of add_swagger_documentation, such as:

add_swagger_documentation \
  markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::KramdownAdapter.new(options)

and write your route details in GFM, examples could be find in details spec


If you want to use kramdown as markdown formatter, you need to add kramdown to your gemfile.

gem 'kramdown'

Configure your api documentation route with:

add_swagger_documentation \
  markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::KramdownAdapter.new(options)


As alternative you can use redcarpet as formatter, you need to include redcarpet in your gemspec. If you also want to use rouge as syntax highlighter you also need to include it.

gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'rouge'

Configure your api documentation route with:

  markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::RedcarpetAdapter.new(render_options: { highlighter: :rouge })

Alternatively you can disable rouge by adding :none as highlighter option. You can add redcarpet extensions and render options trough the extenstions: and render_options: parameters.

Custom markdown formatter

You can also add your custom adapter for your favourite markdown formatter, as long it responds to the method markdown(text) and it formats the given text.

module API

  class FancyAdapter
   attr_reader :adapter

   def initialize(options)
    require 'superbmarkdownformatter'
    @adapter = SuperbMarkdownFormatter.new options

   def markdown(text)

  add_swagger_documentation markdown: FancyAdapter.new(no_links: true)
## Response documentation

You can also document the HTTP status codes with a description and a specified model, as ref in the schema to the definitions, that your API returns with one of the following syntax.

In the following cases, the schema ref would be taken from route.

desc 'thing', http_codes: [ { code: 400, message: "Invalid parameter entry" } ]
get '/thing' do
desc 'thing' do
  params Entities::Something.documentation
  http_codes [ { code: 400, message: "Invalid parameter entry" } ]
get '/thing' do
get '/thing', http_codes: [
  { code: 200, message: 'Ok' },
  { code: 400, message: "Invalid parameter entry" }
] do

By adding a model key, e.g. this would be taken.

get '/thing', http_codes: [
  { code: 200, message: 'Ok' },
  { code: 422, message: "Invalid parameter entry", model: Entities::ApiError }
] do

If no status code is defined defaults would be taken.

The result is then something like following:

"responses": {
  "200": {
    "description": "get Horses",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/Thing"
  "401": {
    "description": "HorsesOutError",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/ApiError"
## Extensions

Swagger spec2.0 supports extensions on different levels, for the moment, the documentation on verb, path and definition level would be supported. The documented key would be generated from the x + - + key of the submitted hash, for possibilities refer to the extensions spec. To get an overview how the extensions would be defined on grape level, see the following examples:

  • verb extension, add a x key to the desc hash:
desc 'This returns something with extension on verb level',
  x: { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • path extension, by setting via route settings:
route_setting :x_path, { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • definition extension, again by setting via route settings, here the status code must be provided, for which definition the extensions should be:
route_setting :x_def, { for: 422, other: 'stuff' }

this would generate:


or, for more definitions:

route_setting :x_def, [{ for: 422, other: 'stuff' }, { for: 200, some: 'stuff' }]

<a="example" />


Go into example directory and run it: $ bundle exec rackup go to: http://localhost:9292/swagger_doc to get it

For request examples load the postman file

Grouping the API list using Namespace

Use namespace for grouping APIs



class NamespaceApi < Grape::API
  namespace :hudson do
    desc 'Document root'
    get '/' do

  namespace :hudson do
    desc 'This gets something.',
      notes: '_test_'

    get '/simple' do
      { bla: 'something' }

  namespace :colorado do
    desc 'This gets something for URL using - separator.',
      notes: '_test_'

    get '/simple-test' do
      { bla: 'something' }

Contributing to grape-swagger


Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Tim Vandecasteele and contributors. See LICENSE.txt for details.