
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

ELEC_ENG/COMP_ENG 334: Fundamentals of Blockchains and Decentralization

Welcome! This is the repository for required projects of the above course.

Project Suggestion

You should create your own private repo to avoid your code being seen by others. We recommend you refer to this post when creating your private repo. If you wish to pull the latest updates from this public repo, you can run the following:

$ git remote add public https://github.com/zqubit/334f21.git
$ git pull public master

You need to run the project on your machines. We strongly recommend Linux or Mac OS. On Windows, some package referred by the project has bugs, and we recommend Ubuntu subsystem on Windows.

We also strongly recommend you install a proper IDE to make coding in Rust easier. Below are some good choices:

  1. IntelliJ Rust. It is free for all .edu email account, specially designed for Rust, and very easy to use.
  2. VS Code. It is totally free and very flexible. You need to install an extension for the Rust language support. Extensions for coding on non-local machines (via WSL/SSH) are also available to download.

Warmup Project

Midterm Project

  • You may form a team of 2 with another student in this class for this project. You do not have to form a team. If you do at some point, you must work as a team through the end of Part 6.
  • Part 1.
  • Part 2.
  • Part 3.
  • Part 4.
  • Part 5.
  • Part 6.


Submissions later than due date will get 0 points.


We thank Professor Pramod Viswanath and Xuechao Wang for developing these course projects and for sharing their repository.