
Loren Data ECGridOS Translation as a Service

Primary LanguagePython


Loren Data's ECGridOS Transformation-as-a-Service (TaaS) is a web services REST API that provides functionality for translating or converting data from one format to another.

TaaS makes use of the Bots Open Source EDI Translator Engine created by Henk-Jan Ebbers. An any-to-any converter for your data with many common formats like X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, JSON, XML, Fixed/Positional, Delimited/CSV, PDF, Excel, Word, IDoc, and HTML. There are built in functions for code conversion lookup, stored partner information, and barcode creation.

How to Setup ECGRID_TaaS

  • Got to https://taas.ecgrid.io
  • Register for an account and get your api-key.
  • Review the API documentation.
  • Download and try out the examples.
  • Set your starting Control Numbers for any EDI documents.
  • Add your Partner or company information.
  • Add any Conversion Codes you may need during data translation.
  • Create Grammars to define your file structures.
  • Create Translation Maps to Convert your data

Resources and Links

API: https://taas.ecgrid.io/

API Call Documentation: https://taas.ecgrid.io/api/v1/docs/

Bots EDI Translator: https://github.com/eppye-bots/bots


Learn More

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