Streaming Kafka messages to MySQL and data preparation for machine learning

(...what a title - just checking how to make CSV with the help of Big Data, MySQL &Perl, l3l!, )

|-----------------|		|--------------|
|		  |		|	       |
| Kafka producer  |------------>| Kafka Topic  |
| 		  |		|	       |
|-----------------|		|-------|------|
			|	|---------------|		    
			|	|		|		              		
			|------>|     Flume	|-                                     	
				|(Kafka  source)|		   			        
			 |				|-------------------|
                         |				|		    |
         		 |----------------------------->|   Flume channel   |	
									 | MySQL   |---> export csv

Small example on filtered network packets. For obtaining the text file that should be sent in mysql (...and from there converted to .csv), check this part of the project:

Kafka, Flume, Zookeeper and Java should be already installed - make sure that Zookeeper is running before continuing. Make sure Jook is installed as well (you can find it in jars folder)

Run script, for: a) updating bashrc file b) creating database and tablespace for Kafka messages c) create Kafka Producer Perl script

More details at How-To-Example folder:

Memo to self: Why not making this easier? I don't care - it seemed like phun! can be made bigger &better, tho!