
Das Schwarze Auge / The Dark Eye 5th Ed. System for Roll20

Official Das Schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye system for Roll20


Official feedback hub for the roll 20 ulisses TDE character sheet & future compendium books

Current Version:

0.9 Beta - test This system is intended for usage with Roll20 to play "Das Schwarze Auge" / "The Dark Eye" 5th edition.

Game setup

In Roll20 create a new game and select the NEW Das Schwarze Auge / The Dark Eye character sheet and start your game.


Our current plans: Roadmap. This is subject to change.

Current State

Aventuria awaits, as TDE 5 is also available on Roll20. The system includes relevant mechanisms to play in the wonderous world of Aventuria and The Dark Eye and create your own adventures, characters and stories.

The core system includes a character sheet and allows you to add your advantages, disadvantages, cultures, professions, special skill, spells, liturgies, rituals and equipment as you see fit.

Discussion & Assistance

If you want to discuss TDE for roll20 or need some assistance you can also join the Discord Servers:

Notable Features

  • Skills, attributes, liturgies, ceremonies, spells, rituals, weapon tests and many more can be rolled.
  • Management of inventory with drag and drop and in-depth information on all items.
  • Manual modification of rolls and test results.

Official Modules

As of this moment several compendium expansions are in the making. We will inform you as soon as they will be available.

Feedback and improvements

If there is a problem with the character sheet or any compendium books, please check the issue section Issues and open a new issue for us with as much detail as possible.