
Simple docker image that executes cron jobs. 🐳⏲

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker CronTaimer

Docker Hub pulls

Basic Docker image that executes cron jobs for you.

Lightweight image based on Alpine:3.8 that runs the cron daemon in foreground. Crontab file can be built into your image or mounted as a volume.

Docker, docker-compose, make and bash are included, allowing you to run scripts or interact with your containers in response to your cron jobs.


The basic image includes a basic cron jobs file that prints out “Hello world!” every minute. For instance:

~$ docker run --rm lorenzck/crontaimer
crond: crond (busybox 1.28.4) started, log level 8
Hello world!
crond: USER root pid   6 cmd echo "Hello world!"

Copy your crontab specification onto /etc/crontabs/root to set the jobs you need. The simplest Dockerfile can be as follows:

FROM lorenzck/crontaimer:latest
COPY mycronjobs /etc/crontabs/root

A suggested docker-compose configuration might look like this:

version: '3'

    build: path-to-dockerfile
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw
    restart: unless-stopped

Mounting the Docker socket as a read/write volume allows you to operate on Docker containers from your cron jobs.

You may also choose to mount the directory containing your docker-compose.yml or Makefile, in order to use it from the crontaimer container to perform more complex tasks.


  • The image is configured to run jobs in UTC time. Add TZ=UTC at the top of your crontab file (see the default cronjobs file) in order to ensure that your jobs also work in the same timezone.
  • Crontab files must end with a newline character.
  • Add 2>&1 to your cron job command to ensure that stderr is also redirected to the logs of your container.